ENFP. i, ii
- acts without thinking
- adventurous
- attachment prone
- attention seeking
- attracted to strange things
- comfortable in unfamiliar situations
- dangerous
- disorganized
- easily distracted
- easily talked into doing silly things
- empathetic
- energetic
- fun seeker
- good at getting people to have fun
- hyperactive
- impulsive
- irrational
- irresponsible
- likely to have or want a tattoo
- likes to stand out
- likes to try new things
- loves crowds
- loving
- non punctual
- open
- physically affectionate
- pleasure seeking
- prone to fantasy
- prone to losing things
- revealing
- risk taker
- rule breaker
- seductive
- social
- spontaneous
- thrill seeker
- unconventional
- unprepared
- wild and crazy
- outgoing
nov 10 2018 ∞
nov 17 2018 +