(need to finish going through google fonts)
want to use in the future:
- consolas (monospace)
- lucida sans (sans-serif)
- never let go (cursive)
- georgia (serif)
google fonts favs: (i need to use serif fonts more...)
- open sans (sans-serif)
- roboto (sans-serif)
- lato (sans-serif)
- source sans pro (sans-serif)
- dancing script (cursive)
- pt serif (serif)
- homemade apple (cursive) x idk if i've used this before
- ubuntu mono (monospace)
- la belle aurore (cursive)
- futura (sans-serif)
- calibri (sans-serif)
- garamond (serif)
- century gothic (sans-serif)
cross-browser friendly:
- arial
- helvetica
- times new roman
- verdana
- tahoma
- trebuchet ms