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father bad mood Thursday morning when I went downstairs not mad at me specifically thought they were okay when I heard them outside earlier that day mad at lunch, at mom when she asked about work, then brother when he asked about work mom doesn't know why he's mad but says it's not because of me Friday was not good as well, ignoring mom today during lunch we watched the dating show he said that the most important thing for marriage is to trust the other person something about taking the family's money and spreading it outside after a bit I started crying dad asked why i was crying i went upstairs mom came upstairs dad came upstairs i went downstairs brother went to go talk to mom, then dad mom and I talked mom and dad talked
final exams and projects i have been reading webnovels and doing everything except studying for exams including the important one, and finishing the projects i went for a run mom and dog also there we went home and i got water for dog went back inside to tell dad and then closed door on finger got scolded by dad I am sloppy and careless in day-to-day life, which will be reflected in the work I do. My behaviour will be received poorly by those around me, such as colleagues and family. Sloppy and careless behaviour is not cute, and will not be seen as cute, especially on an adult.
mom dad arguing at night. brother still out with girlfriend. mom and dad are arguing a lot. sounds like mom's trying to figure out why dad's been mad. he says that mom shouldn't talk about his work with other people. the way he says it makes it sound like mom has done so and he's being very generous in forgiving her. mom is very agitated and yelling. brother is home.
went for 2nd dose today saw ppl from old job v awkd i hate how i look i hate my weight i am ugly bled more than before from the shot lol you need to calm down
exam tomorrow i am acting so cocky so i'll knock myself down a peg when i forget everything as i sit down at the test centre you stupid bitch if you fail it's your own fault
father was trying to think of an acronym for hospitable (?) and I had no idea what he was trying to say so he said my english vocabulary was limited? what the fuck? it's not my problem you don't know how to explain a fucking word. my vocabulary has never been insulted before? i think people have told me not to use so many embellishments and it looks stupid? calm down he said it because he was in a bad mood. of course your vocabulary is fine compared to his. what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck if you keep being so agitated mom is going to overreact and then they're going to argue because you didn't feel like thinking of a word