j a n u a r y
- new episodes of gotham (3rd)
- jongin's birthday (14th) ✔
- minhyuk's album (15th) ✔
- wayv dream launch mv (24th) ✔
- idol producer 2 (21st)
- clc comeback (30th) ✔
f e b r u a r y
- monsta x comeback (18th) ✔
- end of midterms (22nd) ✔
- G.'s visit (23rd) ✔
m a r c h
- the dumplings with U. (7th) ✔
- going home (14th-24th) ✔
- jongdae's mv! (31st) ✔
a p r i l
- jongdae's solo album! (1st) ✔
- game of thrones #8 (15th) ✔
- avengers: endgame (24th) ✔
- pyrkon (26-28th) ✔
m a y
- going home (1st-5th) ✔
- minseok's enlistment (7th) ✔
- beer with E. (7th) ✔
- game of thrones finale (20th) ✔
j u n e
- my birthday! (1st) ✔
- b-day party (2nd) ✔
j u l y
- kyungsoo's enlistment (1st) ✔
- stranger things (4th) ✔
- monsta x in berlin (13th)
a u g u s t
- woodstock (1-3rd)
- once upon a time in hollywood (16th)
- ukraine (21-23rd) ✔
s e p t e m b e r
- copernicon (13-15th)
- american horror story (18th)
- going home (23-29th) ✔
o c t o b e r
- jongdae's 2nd album!!! (1st) ✔
- superm debut (4th) ✔
- alyona alyona (13th)
- elections (13th) ✔
- M. visiting (18-21th) ✔
- monsta x comeback (28th) ✔
n o v e m b e r
- all saint's day (1st) ✔
- busted 2 (8th) ✔
- jongin anniversary (9th) ✔
- parents' visit (9-10th) ✔
- exo's comeback!!!! (27th) ✔
- harry potter movie night (27th) ✔
d e c e m b e r
- wataha (6th) ✔
- the witcher (20th) ✔
- christmas break (21-31st) ✔
- christmas eve (24th) ✔
- christmas (25-26th) ✔
- new year's eve (31st) ✔
dec 30 2018 ∞
jan 2 2020 +