books 0/6 / manga 0/1
→ read
→ to be read
- mark z. danielewski "house of leaves"
- riley sager "the only one left"
- robert l. leahy "don't believe everything you feel"
- dolly alderton "good material"
- cyryl sone "świat ci nie wybaczy" #2
- cyryl sone "nigdy już nie uciekniesz" #3
- cyryl sone "wszystko co widziałeś" #4
- h. g. wells "the war of the worlds"
- mikhail bulgakov "the master and margarita"
- tomasz jędrowski "swimming in the dark"
- stephanie meyer "midnight sun"
- liu cixin "the three-body problem"
- kazuo ishiguro "never let me go"
- jane austen "emma"
- jane austen "persuasion"
- michelle zauner "crying in h mart"
- james clear "atomic habits"
- hanya yanagihara "a little life"
- cho namjoo "miss kim knows"
- yuval noah harari "sapiens"
- justyna kopińska "polska odwraca oczy"
- justyna kopińska "z nienawiści do kobiet"
- justyna kopińska "czy bóg wybaczy siostrze bernadetcie"
- r. f. kuang "yellowface"
- r. f. kuang "the poppy war"
- joanna kuciel-frydryszak "chłopki"
- isaac asimov "i, robot"
- fyodor dostoevsky "the idiot"
- aldous huxley "brave new world"
- george orwell "1984"
- j. r. r. tolkien "the hobbit"
- j. r. r. tolkien "the lord of the rings"
- stephen king "pet sematary"
- stephen king "misery"
- christopher isherwood "a single man"
- william shakespeare "as you like it"
- william shakespeare "the comedy of errors"
- william shakespeare "much ado about nothing"
- douglas adams "the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy"
- mariusz szczygieł "antologia polskiego reportażu"
jan 1 2025 ∞
feb 28 2025 +