• ascendant: capricorn; capable
    • The personality is formed inside a steady, formidable field. You see the world as a place to control and contribute to.
      • + disciplined, ambitious, practical, patient, reserved, athletic ability, dignity, occasionally great physical beauty
      • – rigid, pessimistic, overly conventional, calculated, worry
  • sun: aries; spontaneity
    • Red indicates a thoroughly spontaneous spirit. Here is dynamic restlessness - a creative, primal, bold, hot tempered force. The personality is optimistic and determined, independent and adventurous. Here is the initiator and leader, not someone to be overlooked or to fade into the background. Extremely capable and energetic you are action oriented and self motivated. You have a courageous nature and fearless approach to life. Sometimes combative, certainly expressive, you let others know where you stand and what you think.
      • + generous, warm, take charge, brave, magnetic, enterprising, creative, impulsive
      • – overwhelming, selfish, volatile, combustible, foolhardy, impatient, aggressive, bossy, loud, manipulative, no follow through
  • moon: virgo; helpful heart
    • Emotionally reserved and understated, Dark Green’s withdrawal and detachment is compensated with a giving nature.
    • The self is anchored in servitude and integrity.
    • Fastidious and diligent, there is a steady resourceful, dutiful element at the center of the personality.
      • + organized, methodical, earthbound, clear headed
      • – critical, fussy, too self contained, ambitious
aug 22 2018 ∞
aug 25 2018 +