- ✔ www.eennieuwavontuur.com
- ✔ gold-filled helix ear cuff
- white, gray or mint green antique wardrobe
- succulents and geraniums
- fancy earrings (Nadine Calor?)
- upper helix piercing
- fifties bookcase
- ✔ tinyowlknits.wordpress.com/patterns
- ✔ kaartenrek
- grote witte letterbak (Flow? Oude?)
- plane ticket to Copenhagen and back
- ✔ www.bl-ij.nl
- www.bottines.nl 'Bottine Mouton'
- ✔ www.van-mij.nl
- Muji plastic drawers
- super thin stacking rings in gold
- ✔ Kinfolk magazine Volume Five
- Veggie in Pumps (.nl?)
- juicer
- blender (white Kitchenaid)
- flower bulbs
- www.roozenbottel.nl
- Paper Camera app
- vtwonen guide app
- ✔ www.comptoirdescottoniers.fr
- ✔ Rich Hippie organic perfume www.rich-hippie.com
- www.happydappybits.com
- www.byaprilandmay.nl
- Natural nail polish www.kurebazaar.com
- ✔ www.beautymusthaves.nl
- www.purebeautyboutique.nl
- ✔ www.indisha.nl
- www.biologischparfum.nl
- polaroid film pack
- foto's Parijs
- ✔ Sibella Court (.com?)
- Puces de la Porte de Vanves, Parijs
oct 24 2012 ∞
nov 28 2012 +