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"My love child tracked me down. I was scared, shocked, angry. Like a dog in a sidecar when it comes loose from the motorcycle."

Sir, the silliness radar is detecting a huge disturbance just north of San Diego, California. Scramble the jets!

listography TERMS
littlewhitehouse BOOKS (read in 2024)
FILMS (watched in 2024)

Did everything on this list, too. Booyah. My fro-yo was delicious; however it was spoiled by the worst TA ever giving me a B on my paper I worked hours and hours on. He shall face my wrath for ruining my fro-yo.

  • Write 14 more pages of my play by Thursday somehow!
  • Write character descriptions for my play
    • Then submit the darned thing to UNPF by Fri evening
  • Read Fuddy Meers
  • Re-read Rabbit Hole
  • Start writing conceptual paper for Intro to Theatre
  • Tidy up my room
  • Read The Cherry Orchard
  • Return my library books
    • Renew Middlemarch
  • Return Rabbit Hole and Fuddy Meers after I turn in my paper
  • E-mail Erin about a lunch date during spring break
  • Plan a Rocky Horror night for spring break!
  • Edit play for Friday, March 11 (in David's box by 3 pm)
mar 1 2011 ∞
mar 11 2011 +