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"My love child tracked me down. I was scared, shocked, angry. Like a dog in a sidecar when it comes loose from the motorcycle."

Sir, the silliness radar is detecting a huge disturbance just north of San Diego, California. Scramble the jets!

listography TERMS
littlewhitehouse BOOKS (read in 2024)
FILMS (watched in 2024)

The Vagabond Tweets

  • Come up with a better title/Twitter account name
    • Play on homelessness - give it humor like "Sh*t My Dad Says*
  • Heighten the stakes for everyone
    • Specify what is at stake if June lets Lyonel stay? If Bradley does?
  • Improve flow of the scenes--keep the ball in the air instead of letting it drop
  • What is the MDQ?
    • Make sure it gets answered by the end of the play.
  • What am I trying to say about Bradley and June's world views?
    • Give them very specific, idiosyncratic belief systems that they reveal over the co...
feb 8 2011 ∞
feb 14 2011 +
jan 30 2011 ∞
feb 14 2011 +
  • Sprouted wheat & cinnamon raisin bagels
  • Cream cheese
  • Apples
  • Grapefruit
  • Shredded cheese
  • Light string cheese
  • Chicken & cheese tamales
  • TJ's mac & cheese (see a pattern?)
  • Carrots
  • Bananas
  • Potatoes
  • Honey Bunches of Oats
  • Milk
jan 29 2011 ∞
feb 14 2011 +
jan 29 2011 ∞
feb 14 2011 +
  • Work at South Coast Rep (of course!)
  • Road trip to Yosemite
  • Visit the Huntington Library
  • Massive IKEA trip for Julia and Val!
  • Similarly massive college decision party for Julia and Val!
  • Go to LACMA and the La Brea Tar Pits
  • Go to the San Diego Zoo
  • Do all of my usual stuff with Chelsea (classic!)
  • Go to Seaworld and see the Cirque du Soleil show there
  • Find a new secret hang-out place. Somewhere very cool, like the Noguchi Gardens.
  • Create something major with my friends. What that means we've yet to discover...
  • Make lemonade
  • Spend a whole day playing with my friends like a kid again
    • Sidewalk chalk drawings
feb 6 2011 ∞
feb 14 2011 +
  • My mother: March 20
  • Chelsea: April 5
  • Erin: April 13
  • Julia: May 19
  • Rachel: May 28
  • Fiona: July 8
  • Valentina: December 6
  • Delaney: December 14
jan 30 2011 ∞
feb 14 2011 +

Fall 2010

  • TDDE 1 - Intro to Design for the Theatre with Prof. Guirguis
    • TA: Sherrice Kelly
  • TDPW 1 - Intro to Playwriting with Prof. Shank
    • TA: David Myers
  • TDHT 21 - Ancient & Medieval Theatre with Prof. Roxworthy
    • TA: Lily Kelting

Winter 2011

  • TDPW 101 - Playwriting Workshop I with Prof. Iizuka
    • TA: David Myers
  • TDHT 22 - Theatre 1500-1900 with Prof. Smarr
jan 29 2011 ∞
feb 22 2011 +
  • Quick chicken tacos (pg. 248)
  • Mexican deviled eggs (pg. 43)
  • Spinach-pea risotto (pg. 77)
  • Vanilla milkshakes (pg. 97)
  • White bread (pg. 104)
  • Crepes (pg. 148)
  • Busy-day cake (pg. 164)
  • Whipped cream (pg. 17)
  • Cheeseburger and fries casserole (pg. 232)
  • Chocolate-chip cookies (pg. 258)
  • Blueberry cobbler (pg. 288)
  • Gorgonzola-sauced tortellini with artichokes (pg. 434)
  • Chicken with parmesan rice (pg. 483)
  • Pizza (p. 533)
  • Corn chowder (p. 587)
  • Lemon-roasted cauliflower (p. 600)
feb 9 2011 ∞
feb 14 2011 +
  • whistle using my fingers
  • play piano enough to plunk out vocal parts
  • think more quickly in discussion class
  • paint (better)
  • compose musical scores
  • write faster
  • build projects using LED lights
  • understand tax forms/lingo
  • interview well
  • blow the perfect bubble (with gum)
  • make a costume from scratch
  • tell someone my honest opinion without hurting them
feb 4 2011 ∞
feb 14 2011 +
  • Become a playwright
    • Ask Naomi Iizuka how she got into playwriting
    • Write, write, write!
    • Apply for SCR's PPF internship
    • Get a job, save up money.
    • Apply for ATL dramaturgy internship.
    • Apply to grad school.
    • Send plays to contests.
jan 30 2011 ∞
feb 17 2011 +
  • "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" (best movie EVER)
  • "The Hangover"
  • "Singin' in the Rain"
  • "Please Vote for Me"
  • "The Princess and the Frog"
  • "American Beauty"
  • "Ghost World"
jan 29 2011 ∞
feb 14 2011 +