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1: School, finished definition paper.

2: Disneyland, crowded left early

3: Shopped for A&C's wedding

4: Attended wedding

5: D went to Magic Mountain, we went to Milano's for dinner

6: School, new paper on classification started

7: School, watched Idiocracy for classification ideas - stupid movie froze near the end. I've never been able to see it all the way through. Frustrating.

8: School, finished classification paper. Rec'd definition paper back with "awesome" by the grade. :)

9: My Bday! Lunch at the beach, fed the seagulls, dinner at Sojouner Cafe, bookstore shopping, cake and ice cream

10: Slept in, vegan cookie at Whole Foods, Borders bookstore, Columbo episode

11: Slept in again, walked around at the college, another vegan cookie, drove over to CSUN to check it out, Rubio's for dinner

jul 12 2010 ∞
mar 25 2011 +