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  • Dogs
    • Samson (1991-1995)
      • A Boxer, fawn, purchased around the time that I was born and given away when I was four. A diabetic, windy, but very loveable animal who was fiercely protective of me as a tod. In fact, he pretty much brought me up, as I spent most of these years in his basket and nobody (including my folks) was allowed to approach me. Was given to a vet in Carlow, has certainly passed on by now. RIP
    • Tara (1997-present)
      • My beloved Tara, a dark grey (black for longer than she should have been) Kerry Blue Terrier who I'm often told is not a good representative of her breed as she is far too friendly, laid back and good with children and cats. Supposedly she is supposed to be fierce and into hunting. Why my parents chose this breed for their five-year-old I do not know, but it worked out for the best as she has the best temperament of any that I've come across. Goes by 'Old Lady Tara' these days as she's losing her sight, hearing and sense.
    • Chico (2005-present)
      • Another fawn Boxer. Four years old, was never able to train him and the result is a complete nutjob with a bit of a homicidal streak (tends to disembowel hedgehogs). Has to wear a collar that shocks him if he goes past a certain point, though he will brave this to snap at the postman. Hates the postman, travellers and politicians. Likes stealing from neighbours - that's why we got the collar. We didn't really need all those potatoes, shoes or toys, and the locals were getting miffed. Love him despite his many, many, many flaws.
jul 16 2009 ∞
jul 16 2009 +