• before i could release

the weight of my sadness and pain, i first had to honor its existence

  • i was never addicted

to one thing; i was addicted to filling a void within myself with things other than my own love

  • three things make life harder:

not loving yourself refusing to grow not letting go

  • before we can

heal and let go, what ails us deeply must first come to the surface

  • i kept running away

from my darkness until i understood that in it i would find my freedom

  • make sure

the walls you build to protect yourself do not become a prison

  • an apology to past lovers:

i wasn’t ready to treat you well

i didn’t know love was meant to be selfless

i didn’t know my pain had control over my actions

i didn’t know how far away i was from myself and how that distance always kept us miles apart

(blind heart)

  • never forget

the ones who saw greatness in you even in your darkest moments

  • a hero

is one who heals their own wounds and then shows others how to do the same

aug 3 2019 ∞
aug 3 2019 +