• The car wouldn't start even though we just bought a new battery.
  • Trying to see if the battery was loose burned my hand, but the other side was cool.
  • I saw my mother drive the other car onto the patio so she could turn it around to try to use the jumper cables since we couldn't even move my car very far since it wouldn't go into neutral.
    • Images of my car crashing into a tree flashed before my eyes as it was about 2 cm away from the tree in front of our driveway.
  • I watched my mother drive around the driveway up onto the hill so that I could drive the other car to work.
  • Ray yelled at me because Linda was at lunch and he wanted to talk to her.
  • Wanda Odom and family randomly showed up to talk to Tim with no appointment and made phone calls from the lobby phone to various other family members/she harassed other people who didn't want to talk to her via voicemail.
  • Tim wasn't even there when Wanda Odom and family came so they were sitting in the lobby for a long time, and Brittny and I thought he was sleeping since he apparently went some back way out of the office so I kept pretending he was on some extremely long phone call and then was a bit embarrassed when he strolled through the reception area 40 minutes after they arrived.
  • I learned that a class exists at USC Summer Session called Adolescent Literature where the students read Twilight and graphic novels written about Pedro from The Real World.
  • A buyer and her realtor were sitting in the lobby for 45 minutes while a lender kept lying to them and Carleen and saying that the loan package was coming, and then they couldn't even close because Ed and Carleen wouldn't have time to work on the package by the end of the day even if it ever arrived. The buyer and realtor were debating the pros and cons of calling the lying lender and cursing at him for about 20 minutes.
  • I found this horrifying website called LSAT numbers, which lists applicants to schools by their GPA/LSAT and if they were accepted or not. At the top of the list of all the people rejected by UGA were like 5 applicants that had similar numbers to me (though it didn't say where they went to undergrad).
  • The mechanic said my car would be fixed by 6 but when we got there at 6 he wasn't even working on it and there was no one there to even tell us how much more time was needed to fix it or what had been done so far.
  • I gave the wrong keys to Daddy when he was supposed to drive the Altima home when I got picked up from work.
    • When Mama went to pick him up from the Red Cross blood donation site she left the keys to the Altima too, so she had to turn around and come back to the house to get them.
jun 2 2009 ∞
jan 1 2010 +