• baji keisuke x hanemiya kazutora x matsuno chifuyu
    • illusionary promiseShortly after Graduating, Chifuyu Matsuno disappeared from Tomans sights. He took on the considerable debt his mother racked up after his fathers passing, and has started a career in a sleezy club where he's forced to cross dress. After a year and a half he runs into an old friend, and accidentally kicks starts a new mission for Toman. Chifuyu tries to survive his job, and deal with constant harassment from customers and his boss; all with trying to reassure his old friends that he's doing just fine.
  • ryuuguji ken (draken) x sano manjirou (mikey)
    • one and only [hit me up if you get lonely]Ken waits for Mikey to come back in the most irrevocably human way.
    • flesh covers boneAs powerful as the Sano Clan is, that as powerful as Mikey himself is, as many men he’s killed and the position he’ll be sworn into come the morning, he isn’t considered Made until he’s mated. And not just mated. No. Oh no. As the new Second of Immortal Sano Clan, Mikey’s status, his prowess and power will all be tied to the fact that he’s mated to an indomitable alpha. That he’s proven his worth by subjectating some great feral beast, that he keeps this creature by his side.
apr 23 2023 ∞
jan 8 2024 +