- (...) which made my prayers the best prayers because english prayers get answered first. how do we know this? look at white people. clearly they're getting through to the right person - born a crime, trevor noah
- "(...) drugs come from somewhere, and they're destroying our community" he says. "you got folks like brenda, who think they need them to survive, and then you got the khalils, who think they need to seel them to survive. the brendas can't get jobs unless they're clean, and they can't pay for rehab unless they got jobs. when the khalils get arrested for selling drugs, they either spend most of their life in prison, another billion-dollar industry, or they have a hard time getting a real job and probably start selling drugs again. (...) a system designated against us" - the hate u give, angie thomas
- "ah, yes. i know it looks that way, friend, but let me explain. it's a funny story, actually. my father is white and my mother is black and race is a social construct, so..." - born a crime, trevor noah
- "i was angry a lot, and i hurt people because i was in pain. being kind when you're in pain-it's hard." - the red scrolls of magic, cassandra clare & wesley chu
- "it's not the world that's cruel," neil said. "it's the people in it" - the foxhole court, nora sakavic
- "learn from your past and be better because of your past," she would say, "but don't cry about your past. life is full of pain. let the pain sharpen you, but don't hold on to it. don't be bitter" - born a crime, trevor noah
- "only catholics can eat jesus's body and drink jesus's blood, right?" "yes" "but jesus wasn't catholic" "no" "jesus was jewish" "well, yes" "so you're telling me that if jesus walked into your church right now, jesus wouldn't be allowed to have the body and blood of jesus?" - born a crime, trevor noah
- "you need to pray to jesus", he said. "jesus will save you." to which the native replied, "well, we do need to be saved, saved from you, but that's beside the point. so let's give this jesus thing a shot" - born a crime, trevor noah
- "you've read harry potter already. eight times, if i remember right." "everyone knows the ninth re-read of harry potter is the most important one" - on a tuesday, whitney g
- a full compendium of those laws would run more than three thousand pages and weight approximately ten pounds - born a crime, trevor noah
- a man is not determined by how much he earns. you can still be the man of the house and earn less than your woman. being a man is not what you have, it's who you are. being more of a man doesn't mean your woman has to be lass than you - born a crime, trevor noah
- a sociedade justa deve maximizar oportunidades e condições mínimas de vida oferecidas pelo ssitema social - a economia da desigualdade, thomas piketty
- acredito que o gosto musical das pessoas diz muito sobre elas. em alguns casos, diz tudo que é preciso saber - this song will save your life by leila sales
- afirmar que o único amor possível, o único sentimento que nos valida como seres humanos, é o amor romântico está completamente equivocado. quanto mais eu penso nisso, mais percebo que talvez existam tantas formas de amor quanto existem pessoas na terra e é estúpido assumir que todo mundo se enquadra na mesma experiência - garotas mágicas super natalinas, bárbara morais
- an animal will kill, but never to completely annihilate a race, a whole collectivity. what does this make us in this world? - we wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families by philip gourevitch
- and at the end of the day, you don't kill someone for opening a car door. if you do, you shouldn't be a cop - the hate u give, angie thomas
- às vezes, as pessoas acham que sabem quem você é. elas sabem de algumas poucas coisas a seu respeito e juntam essas peças de uma forma que faça sentido para elas. e, se você não se conhece muito bem, pode até acreditar que elas estão certas. mas a verdade é que essa imagem não representa quem você é. ela não tem nada a ver com você - this song will save your life by leila sales
- be roses that grow in the concrete - the hate u give, angie thomas
- brace doesn't mean you're not scared, it means you go on even though you're scared - the hate u give, angie thomas
- but mightn't we all take some courage from the example of those brave hutu girls who could have chosen to live, but chose instead to call themselves rwandans? - we wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families by philip gourevitch
- depois de te entregar isso aqui, eu pretendo sair correndo porque não tenho maturidade para lidar com as consequências das coisas que eu faço - vinte bombons de banana, vitor martins
- desde então, ela tem empregado o comportamento de casalzinho que costumávamos ridicularizar: mexer no cabelo, sentar no colo, chamar de amor, de coelhinho e essas besteiras - ritos da primavera, diane peterfreund
- deus sabe quantas críticas sou capaz de suportar, uma vez que já ouvi todas elas antes, mas que não ousem duvidar do meu conhecimento musical - this song will save your life by leila sales
- (ele contou isso em uma aula de conversação sobre família) (mas eu já sabia porque tinha visto uma postagem antiga dele na internet) (tá legal, uma postagem bem antiga, de maio de 2013) - vinte bombons de banana, vitor martins
- era o natal com maior movimentação em armários desde o lançamento de as crônicas de nárnia! - garotas mágicas super natalinas, bárbara morais
- eu não sou o tipo de pessoa que odeia o natal. para ser sincero, não consigo entender como alguém pode odiar uma época do ano que envolve férias, presentes e comidas gostosas - vinte bombons de banana, vitor martins
- eu sentia, porém, que o meu teto era de vidro. há coisa que você não pode mudar. tudo o que pode fazer é torcer para que nada o atinja, que nenhum buraco seja aberto e que o seu interior seja revelado - this song will save your life by leila sales
- grieving is a kind of art. you have to let yourself be creative with it, own it. you can't let other people tell you how to do it, otherwise it won't be done right - if you knew her, emily elgar
- holocaust victims count because hitler counted them. six million people killed. we can all look at that number and rightly be horrified. but when you read through the history of atrocities against africans, there are no numbers, only guesses. it's harder to be horrified by a guess - born a crime, trevor noah
- holy shit. who the fuck complains about going to harry potter world? or butter beer? or wands? - the hate u give, angie thomas
- i am more suited to the human part of medicine. i administer drugs, change sheets, comfort families and hold the hands of dying patients until their last breath. i'm with them. i'm happy to be plankton - if you knew her, emily elgar
- i don't care who you are, we all shit the same. beyoncé shits. the pope shits. the queen of england shits - born a crime, trevor noah
- i had a natural talent for selling to people, but without knowledge and resources, where was that going to get me? people always lecture the poor: "take responsability for yourself! make something of yourself!" but with what raw materials are the poor to make something of themselves? - born a crime, trevor noah
- i wait for all this while reminding myself that being gay is never a choice. if it were, why would so many of us choose to be shunned and spoken about behind our backs? the answer is simple: it isn't a choice - date me, bryson keller! by kevin van whye
- i'm angry and annoyed at him. maybe it isn't fair, but right now i don't care - date me, bryson keller! by kevin van whye
- i'm probably the most indecisive person you will ever meet. so i spend a lot of time just daydreaming about stuff instead of actually doing it. i always worry about what everyone will think - date me, bryson keller! by kevin van whye
- if you think too much about the ass-kicking your mom gave you, or the ass-kicking that life gave you, you'll stop pushing the boundaries and breaking the rules. it's better to take it, spend some time crying, then wake up the next day and move on. you'll have a few bruises and they'll remind you of what happened and that's okay. but after a while the bruises fade, and they fade for a reason, because now it's time to get up to some shit again - born a crime, trevor noah
- if you're native american and you pray to the wolves, you're a savage. if you're african and you pray to your ancestors, you're a primitve. but when white people pray to a guy who turns water into wine, well, that's just common sense - born a crime, trevor noah
- in society, we do horrible things to one another because we don't see the person it affects. we don't see their face. we don't see them as people - born a crime, trevor noah
- it is so easy, from the outside, to put the blame on the woman and say, "you just need to leave". it's not like my home was the only home where there was domestic abuse. it's what i grew up around. i saw it in the streets of soweto, on tv, in movies. where does a woman go in a society where that is the norm? when the police won't help her? when her own family won't help her? where does a woman go when she leaves one man who hits her and is just as likely to wind up with another man who hits her, maybe even worse than the first? where does a woman go when she's single with three kids and she lives in a society that makes her a pariah for being a manless woman? where she's seen as a whore for doing that? where does she go? what does she do? - born a crime, trevor noah
- it will not be a democracy if it is not equally sucessful in respecting the rights of minorities... a country in which justice loses this fundamental quality prepares the worst disorders and its own collapse - we wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families by philip gourevitch
- it's easy to be judgmental about crime when you live in a world wealthy enough to be removed from it - born a crime, trevor noah
- language, even more than color, defines who you are to people - born a crime, trevor noah
- living your truth is important, but sometimes living the lie is what keeps you warm, fed, looked after... breathing. which is something a lot of people looking in from the outside don't get - date me, bryson keller! by kevin van whye
- mass violence, too, must be organized; it does not occur aimlessly. even mobs and riots have a deisgn, and great and sustained destruction requires great ambition. it must be conceived as the means toward achieving a new order, and although the idea behind that new order may be criminal and objectively very stupid, it must also be compellingly simple and at the same time absolute - we wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families by philip gourevitch
- para gostar de ler basta se dar uma chance, arrumar um pretexto. e quando, enfim, conseguimos, ganhamos companhia para a vida toda - fala sério, pai!, thalita rebouças
- part of me is like, "what about uncle carlos the cop?" but this isn't about him or his coworkers who do their jobs right. this is about one-fifteen, those detectives with their bullshit questions, and those cops who made daddy lie on the ground - the hate u give, angie thomas
- people are willing to accept you if they see you as an outsider trying to assimilate into their world. but when they see you as a fellow tribe member attempting to disavow the tribe, that is something they will never forgive - born a crime, trevor noah
- plenty of more moderate views could be heard, but who listens to moderates in times of revolution? - we wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families by philip gourevitch
- por que essas eram as únicas escolhas quando se tratava de garotos? ou você os evitava e dedicava tempo às amigas ou deixava as amigas de lado para se dedicar ao romance, o que lhe daria assunto para conversar com as amigas sobre o tópico preferido entre garotas: garotos - ritos da primavera, diane peterfreund
- regret is the we should fear most. failure is an answer. rejection is an answer. regret is an eternal question you will never have the answer to. "what if..." "if only..." "i wonder what would have..." you will never, never know, and it will haunt you for the rest of your days - born a crime, trevor noah
- respondo com tom de dúvida, mesmo tendo certeza que a reposta certa era a d. não gosto de parecer inteligente demais na frente dos outros - vinte bombons de banana, vitor martins
- sentimentos podem se enquadrar nos conceitos bregas de amor romântico ou não, e eles continuam válidos e importantes independente da forma que assumam - garotas mágicas super natalinas, bárbara morais
- take the best estimate: eight hundred thousand killed in a hundred days. that's three hundred and thirty-three and a third murders an hour - or five and half lives terminated every minute - we wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families by philip gourevitch
- that's what apartheid did: it convinced every group that it was because of the other race that they didn't get into the club - born a crime, trevor noah
- the dead of rwanda accumulated at nearly three time the rate of Jewish dead during the Holocaust. it was the most efficient mass killin since the atomic bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki - we wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families by philip gourevitch
- the first thing i learned about having money was that it gives you choices. people don't want to be rich. they want to be able to choose. the richer you are, the more choices you have. that is the freedom of money - born a crime, trevor noah
- the specter of an absolute menace that requires absolute erradication binds leader and people in a hermetic utopian embrace, and the individual - always an annoiance to totality - ceases to exist - we wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families by philip gourevitch
- these people seem to say that the developed parts of the world and the undeveloped parts of the world can all be managed uniformly. politically this is their line, and i think this is really rubbish - to be charitable. it's not possible to manage radically different societies exactly in a uniform way. yes, there are some essentials which should be common, like universal suffrage, one person one vote, by secret ballot, a free press, separation of powers. these should be common factors, but not the exact form. the form should be according to situations - we wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families by philip gourevitch
- they set up a formal commission to go out and study institutionalized racism all over the world. they went to australia. they went to the netherlands. they went to america. they saw what worked, what didn't. then they came back and published a report, and the government used that knowledge to build the most advanced system of racial oppression known to man - born a crime, trevor noah
- watching a movie with my boyfriend has been a fantasy of mine. it may seem small and inconsequential, but it's something i've never gotten to experience - date me, bryson keller! by kevin van whye
- watching him serving rubbery eggs and pretending not to be sad, i thought to myself, i will love this boy forever - the summer i turned pretty, jenny han
- we all start to find x but thirty minuted into it i give up. x is currently missing, presumed dead - date me, bryson keller! by kevin van whye
- we live and breathe words. .... it was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone - clockwork prince, cassandra clare
- we live in a world where we don't see the ramifications of what we do to others, because we don't live with them - born a crime, trevor noah
- what distinguished genocide from murder, and even from acts of political murder that claim as many victims, is the intent. the crime is wanting to make a people extinct. the idea is the crime - we wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families by philip gourevitch
- what he did, on a small scale, showed me how important it is to empower the dispossessed and the disenfranchised in the wake of oppression - born a crime, trevor noah
- what's in the box, then?" he pointed. "my guess is your balls. thank god she was nice enough to return them before the end of the season" - on a tuesday, whitney g
- when we judge political power, we need to ask not only what its base is but also how the power is exercised, under what circumstances, toward what ends, at what price, and with what success - we wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families by philip gourevitch
- working with andrew was the first time in my life i realized you need someone from the privileged world to come to you and say, "okay here's what you need, and here's how it works." talent alone would have gotten me nowhere wihtout andrew giving me the cd writer. people say, "oh, that's a handout". no. i still have to work to profit by it. but i don't stand a chance without it - born a crime, trevor noah
- you do not own the thing that you love - born a crime, trevor noah
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