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  • I can lay in bed at night & stay awake for hours acting out different scenarios in my head.
    • Common scenarios: giving birth, being proposed to, death of a loved one, being in an accident
  • I often wonder who will show up to my funeral.
  • When I sleep, I have to lay on my side & cuddle something, like a blanket or pillow.
  • While writing online, I hate starting sentences with lowercase letters.
    • I try to always start with caps, even if it's just a note I'm making on my Stickies application.
    • I also hate using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, because I think it expresses anger, or like someone is yelling.
    • & I like to put periods at the end of things, even if it's just 1 word.
  • Much like the first point, I daydream about telling certain people off, or thinking about the way I would react in a certain situation.
  • If I don't get what I want, especially from Steven, I throw a fit like I'm a 3-year old.
  • I don't like little children, & they don't like me.
  • I love onions, but I try not to eat them because of what they do to my breath.
  • I can never drink tap water from the kitchen sink, I always have to get it from the bathroom sink.
    • For some reason I feel like it's cleaner if it's from the bathroom sink.
  • I rarely stay up late or go out during the weeknights.
    • This makes me feel like an old woman.
    • I think it's because of the way I grew up & the fact that my parents (if not already passed out) were always in bed early.
  • I HATEHATEHATE getting up early in the morning.
    • I usually get really emotional when I have to wake up early.
  • I hate being ill-prepared for things & it drives me CRAZY when people don't plan in advance.
  • I like to think that animals can speak different languages, & actually understand better when I speak to them in French.
    • Jack always seemed to be really interested when I spoke to him in French.
  • I have a routine in the shower that I have to follow, or everything feels really weird & unnatural.
    • Rinse hair, shampoo hair, wash out shampoo, rub in conditioner, wash body, shave legs/underarms (if applicable at the time), wash face, rinse out shampoo, ring out hair, towel off (starting at hair).
  • The same goes for an after-shower routine.
    • Towel off, brush teeth, comb hair, put on clean t-shirt/pajamas, hair product in bangs, dry bangs, straighten bangs, hair product in rest of hair & let air dry, make-up, diffuse hair with dryer, get dressed, style hair.
  • I'm really weird about my eyelashes & mascara.
  • If I'm going #2, I have to be reading/on my computer/doing a crossword.
    • If I try to just go without these 3 things, then nothing will happen.
    • I also can't go #2 at work.
      • Also, I can only go at certain people's houses/certain bathrooms in Bracken.
jan 1 2010 ∞
oct 30 2012 +