- I've watched the kid grow up, even though I don't really remember most of our younger years.
- I know that he's not going to turn out like my Mom & Dad.
- He's got SO much more confidence than I had at that age.
- He's sporty/athletic. He may not be the best at what he does, but he's at least willing to try.
- He's not afraid to ask for things from our parents like I was (am).
- He's a handsome little boy...err...young man.
- He's funny sometimes.
- He's gone through so much stuff in his young life, & yet he didn't turn out dark & twisty like I did.
- He tells my Mom off when she's drunk & being an idiot.
- He's a protector.
- He's good at things like fixing my rearview mirror, driving the jetski, & building random shit.
- I'm better at video games than he is.
- He's a supporter of Fourth Meals & McDonalds After Midnight.
- He makes me laugh.
- He makes my heart swell with so much pride & love.
- Sometimes I feel sorry for him because he's not close to anyone in the family like I am with Nana.
- He's seriously got a new girlfriend every 2 weeks, & he might go through his entire class before he graduates from high school.
- When the two of us are alone & just hanging out I get to see who he really is, & he's pretty awesome.
- He likes to go out to dinner & go on random Wal-Mart trips.
- I want to be able to bring him to Muncie & take him to movies & football games & on campus etc etc.
- I'm incredibly jealous that he's getting braces & I never did.
- He's going to start DRIVING soon, which dates me & makes me feel really old.
- He sometimes does the things I ask him to--like refilling my glass of juice or getting me a cookie.
- He can cook rather well.
feb 1 2009 ∞
oct 30 2012 +