- Their beds are amazing.
- The meals.
- Elves make the meals for you.
- The welcoming meal is always incredible.
- Wintertime & all that amazing snow.
- Wearing cloaks & uniforms.
- Going to Hogsmeade to visit the joke shop & have some drinks at the tavern.
- I've always wanted to try butterbeer--I think it would be amazing.
- Having house colors.
- Hogwarts Express--the train ride there & back.
- Shopping for books in Diagon Alley.
- Being able to do magic--duh.
- I would magic myself into a size 5.
- Portkeys & the Flue Network would eliminate driving.
- The castle is enormous & in a beautifully classic style of architecture.
- I'm pretty sure Defense Against the Dark Arts would be my favie class.
dec 8 2009 ∞
oct 30 2012 +