- Conveniently located right across from Bracken, which will encourage me to go more.
- Noyer is centrally located.
- Only a little room to take care of...& I don't have to worry about paying rent every month.
- Meal plans.
- No furniture to find/buy/move back.
- Do I really want to be the senior living in the dorms?
- It's going to be more expensive than Anthony in the long run.
- Ugh, fucking meal plans.
- There's no guarantee that I will be able to sign up early enough for a single. Actually, I don't even know how that works anyways.
- Can I even live in the dorms for one semester?
- If I were able to work in admissions this summer then I would have no where to stay--therefore, I wouldn't be able to work at admissions. Which in turn means I have to go home (blah) & find a sucky summer job (double blah).
jan 5 2009 ∞
jan 4 2010 +