- Clean bathroom.
- Take out trash & possibly clean out trash cans.
- Organize desk & bookcase...yet again.
- Figure out a way to get my Eiffel Tower picture to stay on my door.
- Dishes/Floors/blah blah blah.
- Shower...that's probably not housework...but I really need to take a shower.
- Clean off the mass of items covering my bed.
- Laundry.
- Organize cork board...it's driving me nutssss.
- Assignment A
- Chapter 1: FL books
- Chapter 2: Edpsy
- Respond to DB post: WMNST
- Read: 335
- Podcast ideas.
- Clean out wallet.
- Call:
- Start new book!
- Watch Grey's from Thursday night.
- E-mail Julie about Panera Bread Chat.
- Write name in books.
- Print out schedule x's 2
- Send one schedule to Nana.
- Tab thing
- E-mail Aunt Jan
jan 17 2009 ∞
jan 20 2009 +