(__Painting I__)
What is Paint?
- Dirt and Found pigments
- Landscapes - 4 observed, 4 photos, 4 imagined
- Self-Portrait landscape with found pigment
Egg Tempera
- Create painting based on collage elements
- B&W Hatching, Colored Hatching, Tempera Hatching
- Intro. elements of the Earth
- Monochromatic waterscape
- Chopped color test strips
Commercialized Art
- Alphabet animal prints
- License Plates
- Movie Posters
- Album covers
- HawksNight Live Posters (think about using this as art club fundraising)
Acrylic Paint
- Stretched xerox copies of faces
- Color gradients with colored pencil then paint over
Abstract Painting
- Types of abstraction
- concrete to distortion, spiritual, surrealism
- Sketch from home transform into abstraction
(__Drawing Fundamentals__)
Observational Skills
- Drawing elements:
- line, value, color, texture, shape, space
- Eggbeater drawing with colored pencil
- Value scales on gray paper with white pencil
- Technical skills to solve issues of realism before abstraction
- Black and White Photo copies
Warm and Cool Colored Skeleton
- watercolor with ink over top (Van Gigh ink drawings)
Linear Perspective
- Ghost town drawings
- Surrealism
Block Prints
- Human faces, real vs. fake
- Human hand reaching into unnatural environments
- Use references images
Manipulation of Master Drawings
- Distortion and proportion