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  • "Sometimes people fill their minds with all these stupid things, you know? To keep themselves from thinking about, you know, what's really important."
  • "When someone compliments your parents...there's like nothing to say, it's like a stun gun to your brain."
  • "Sometimes I think if my mother wasn't so good at pretending to be happy she'd be better at actually being happy."
  • "I cannot bring myself to eat a well balanced meal in front of my mother. It just means too much to her."
  • Patty: "Angela, orange juice doesn't grow on trees." // Angela: "It sorta does."
  • "There's something about Sunday night that really makes you want to kill yourself, especially if you've just been totally made a fool of by the only person you'll ever love, and you have a geometry midterm on Monday which you still haven't studied for because you can't because Brian Krakow has your textbook and you're too embarrassed to even deal with it, and your little sister is completely finished with her homework, which is just so simple and mindless a child could do it, and that creepy 60 minutes watch sounds like your whole life ticking away."
  • "When someone dies young, it's like they stay that way forever. Like a vampire."
  • "You know how sometimes the last sentence you said like echos in your brain and it just keeps sounding stupider, and you have to say something else to make it stop?"
  • "It's so weird when you see someone you just dreamed about. Like it's gonna show."
  • "When you call someone's name like kind of loud and they don't hear you, it makes you feel kind of lonely."
  • Jordan: "Why are you like this?"// Angela: "Like what?" // Jordan: "Like how you are."
  • "I just think people want to believe things about certain people, and so they decide certain things are true, and they don't even ask. And it's not fair. Because you have to live with it anyway."
may 18 2009 ∞
jun 20 2009 +