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spiritual (Things to Let Go Of)
oct 13 2010
about me (Things I'm Happy With.)
oct 13 2010
events (Summer Goals)
oct 13 2010
crushes (Things I miss about him.)
sep 15 2010
activities (Favourite Dates/New Date Ideas.)
jun 4 2010
crushes (Physical things I like about the boy.)
may 24 2010
about me (Some of my favourite things ever. )
mar 28 2010
to do (kiss list.)
mar 28 2010
relationships (things i look for.)
mar 12 2010
autobio (what i am/doing/have constantly.)
mar 12 2010
about me (life in numbers (from Amsyy)
mar 12 2010
autobio (things i'll remember forever.)
mar 12 2010
about me (things that have legs.)
mar 12 2010
to do (things that really should get done.)
mar 12 2010
music (5 dedications.)
mar 12 2010
friends (people that i don't like to be around.)
mar 12 2010
school (things it's taught me.)
mar 12 2010