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night is a hidden world one of sleep without light we evolved for sleep- how did it come to us what were we doing before sleep night was an extension of day a dark dark extension- not a curtain that closed as the sun set, people ate at night or walked at night without regret or fear perhaps fear with animals lurking under bush but we were always alive with no escape, no soft veined curtain to end ...

lisa FILM
listography NEW NEWS

it is night time, I am looking around when I realize that I am dreaming. I am looking at Bill Murray. I become very lucid. We decide to go flying together. It is a starry night. We flap our arms like wings and he gives me the courage to fly. He starts to doubt his ability and starts to sink, but I stay focused and keep flying higher, past trees. I have another dream, and I brag to the people in it about flying with Bill. Scene change. I am with Athens friends at a party. There are piles of shirts for reconstructing. I can't pick the right one. colors colors colors, lots and lots of people, birds eye views.

nov 25 2010 ∞
dec 27 2010 +