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night is a hidden world one of sleep without light we evolved for sleep- how did it come to us what were we doing before sleep night was an extension of day a dark dark extension- not a curtain that closed as the sun set, people ate at night or walked at night without regret or fear perhaps fear with animals lurking under bush but we were always alive with no escape, no soft veined curtain to end ...

lisa MUSIC
autobio (my epitaphs)

First time writing in 10 years or so... thinking about time and life... all these unearthed memories I thought I'd lost. Seeing my earnest lust for life, all the glorious vulnerabilities of youth... an emotional experience to witness once more- a portal into my young heart. Recognizing the romance I still carry with me. Though my life has changed a lot since these early days. All of these road trips and bodies of water... all the luscious crushes. It's time to find this romance again, appreciate the beauty in the glittering grains of sand... I'm going to return here from time to time to track the romance in my life, how I carry it and cherish it, open myself to it... maybe write some painfully sincere poetry... this space is for me. For the sake of old times, I will do a free-write-

the distance between the vibrant fingers of my childhood an awakenings and my dull...

apr 19 2023 ∞
apr 19 2023 +
  • making glitter marmalade mouth shirts with hannah
  • watching donnie darko & drinking chardonnay
  • performing outside with hannah, emerging in a bright orange sheet, dancing underneath to astor piazzola, throwing off the sheet and dancing with ribbon streamers to kate bush, people singing along to safety break
  • harry and the potters playing in the house, everybody singing along
  • going to the beach after the show
  • kissin in the ocean at night
  • freestylin down tybee road at night "yo my name trashcan johnson"
  • addison wearing the glitter marmalade mouth crop top, jordan wearing the teal bathmat
  • making a hobo trap out of a cd player tied to a tamborine with string
jul 22 2011 ∞
jul 26 2011 +
  • secret colors
  • theta/theta
  • school of art
  • color fix
  • willy nilly
  • the rapid eye
  • boom boom
  • colorsaver
  • Neu
  • surreal life
  • double exposure
  • little beasts
may 24 2011 ∞
jun 4 2011 +

what would I imagine as my perfect place of existence? A day that begins with light hitting my face, drowsy and pleasant, through gentle curtains, place my feet on the wood floor, or a persian rug, kiss the gentle cheek of a book reader, hair askew, lashes heavy, smile breaking through sleep.... closed eyes, standing in the doorway of the kitchen, gentle dawnlight, cool damp morning air. making tea, jars full of vanilla oolong, moroccan mint, jasmine, hibiscus, coconut... stirring in a spoonful of honey- so deep, amber, full of a history of flowers and flying... a slow, thoughtful sip, time expanding, setting down the spoon. a studio warehouse, crumbling floor, dark save for the windows, creating environments, passion. a space for stirring up the intensities in people. emotional landscapes, dark crevices, looming skies, brief moments of light, glowing moments. the one spot of sunlight that...

may 4 2011 ∞
may 4 2011 +
  • chris playing the magnetic fields on ukelele and singing
  • having a potluck, making vegan almond cranberry cookies, playing scattergories
  • getting into a biking accident (cushioning the impact with my face) and not losing any teeth
  • going to the super secret etching show, seeing two french bands and a wild czech band "headwar", ringing ears
  • meeting up with lovely athens folks at t-rex mex, going to the show at the jinx on the guest list, seeing the shaniqua brown, reptar, and cusses play wonderful music, selling a shirt to an extremely intoxicated girl
  • lovely handholding sleep
  • the most beautiful morning of the year so far, filming william rollerblading around the parking lot, terrible french conversations
mar 13 2011 ∞
apr 12 2011 +

" I am a complete package, I just need to be delivered."

feb 6 2011 ∞
feb 6 2011 +

in a home on a lake, floating and rocking gently, a bed is tied with a rope to the house, and floats alongside, with sheets and comforter and I swim down below the house... into a room filled with antique furniture, desks, bookshelves, all fine and expensive... I collect tiny silver relics about the size of old monopoly pieces from the bottom of the room. the sun sets lavender on my longing.

dec 14 2010 ∞
dec 14 2010 +
  • Hostel in the forest
  • Austin, Texas for film/ Installation
  • Asheville, NC for installation & Yann Tiersen February 13th (Orange Peel)
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Charleston, NC
  • Athens, GA for installation show
  • Deadline for SCAD drawing competition January 17
  • Friday Betsy's party
  • March 4- Drawing Works reception @ Alexander Hall
  • St.Augustine with Sean & Hannah
  • March 9-12 Savannah Stopover fest, friends stay
  • March 10th- etching & music show
  • March 13th Lisa & Hannah visit!
  • SCGI Conference in St. Louis March 16-20
  • March 22 play show at 1417 w/ morgan and cory
  • march 23rd- wright square antique mall ri...
nov 18 2010 ∞
may 4 2011 +
  • baking lavender cookies
  • painting stencils on my red suitcase, helping matthew make rainbow phoenix wings
  • making kale and rice in the morning, leaving for asheville, embroidering and appliqueing jackets
  • arriving, seeing octopus project, slow motion experimental projections
  • going to be be theater, seeing local musicians in the blackbox womb, seeing Evan C., Erica, and Alex
  • eating at Rosetta's kitchen
  • meeting new people, seeing Graham play music in a tiny room full of people, a boy playing Nick Drake on guitar, communal hot sauce shots
  • sleeping over on the couch, cold, waking up to Lead Belly playing from the kitchen, borrowing socks, reading about lucid dreaming in the sun, making candles, free pair of "no excuses" pants
nov 1 2010 ∞
nov 25 2010 +

nine the magical vortex number, a nineteen year with diatoms sparkling in the ocean water, and freckles reflecting starlight. nineteen when my heart beat fast faster, and I feel in love with every place, rushing past fields while listening to the magnetic fields, drawing the people I meet and saying "that girl she may turn in any direction" nineteen years of images and feeling and falling up as I fall asleep every time I brushed my teeth this year I thought of you and how I brushed my teeth for a long time because I knew you were listening and I needed time to think my voice met his at the top of an atrium and we let the silence exist, because it was louder than our voices. nineteen and I still have no wrinkles, I am young young young and I don't trust myself to fall in love with any one. I got bruised on wood floors, I didn't understand my body, I pushed voices out of the bellows of accor...

sep 17 2010 ∞
sep 17 2010 +

falling past windows, black and white, the eternal fall in a grayscale world. A spinning reel, until I float to the black cieling and break through layers of insulation. Inside the warehouse, I create clouds, and patches of blue sky, but the concentration required makes me ache. sweet soft sleep, dark rooms and air blows on my face.

aug 17 2010 ∞
aug 17 2010 +
  • The Glass Castle
  • Eating Animals- Jonathan Safran Foer
  • Love in the Time of Cholera- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
  • The Alchemist- Paulo Coehlo
  • The Death of Vishnu- Manil Suri
  • A Visit From the Goon Squad- Jennifer Egan
  • Herzog- Saul Bellow
  • Forty-Four of the Ecstatic Poems of Kabir
  • Mr. Muo's Travelling Couch- Dai Sijie
  • The Hakawati
jul 6 2010 ∞
feb 6 2011 +

the mottled orange and red skin that reflects the leaves above, sits in the shade, with purple vessels inside, bursting with expression. bright orange squash flowers bursting from the roadside, and we travel. we traverse space with prayer. love is never absent. the eucalyptus grows like soft green velvet, and it is strong this summer.

jun 27 2010 ∞
jun 27 2010 +
  • Seeing a Silver Mt. Zion in Asheville with Sarah, Lucas, Corey, Andy and Jeremiah
  • swinging on a wooden swing surrounded by green fields and trees in Greenville
  • breakdancing in a drum circle
  • eating at the laughing seed
  • making vegan strawberry pancakes with Sarah, eating them on a picnic bench outside
  • hearing a tennessee swing band- Christobel and the Jons and having them over for brunch
  • playing music at the bean
  • getting up at 5 am to go running on the beach with Michelle, going swimming in the ocean, watching the sun rise
  • making israeli couscous with cardamom, cumin, cayenne, chili, nutmeg, vanilla, muchi curry spices, and honey with lentils, sweet corn, and baked sweet potatoes
  • spring quarter ending finally for summmmm...
may 28 2010 ∞
oct 22 2010 +


The installation would tune into the frequency that channels the connection between the viewer and the collective unconscious. This would be achieved through visual and auditory elements. Underlying themes in the work would be water, depth and dreaming. With water as a metaphor for the subconscious/collective unconscious, the works would be intuitively based, and rich with layers of sound, texture, color, and 3d and 2d design elements (assemblage, collage, moving images, photography, and painting). The piece would entirely envelope the viewer, guiding them through stages of light and darkness, color and monotone, silence, harmony, and cacophony. The installation would have interactive elements to produce sound and image. Ideally, upon emerging from the work, the viewer will feel as if they have connected with their non-physical origin. A crescendo w...

may 16 2010 ∞
may 17 2010 +

I want to see you tonight, meet me where the light breaks and the cicadas hum and I vibrate with possibility. Meet me underwater with an aqua lung and a smooth tongue. just meet me, and nod your head and look me in the eyes. that's alright. meet me tonight at R.E.M. cycle 5, and don't be late. even in my foggy state I know it's you and I've been waiting through and through. you've penetrated my oceans and I remember how you move. my mind recorded it and it blinks and hums and it's a scratched and popping reel but I can still focus on your face. yeah I'll play it too much and it'll wear to pieces till I can only see you from behind. but your shoulders are newspaper clippings and the ink rubs off onto my fingertips. I'm losing the words.

may 6 2010 ∞
may 6 2010 +
  • making an individual biscuit in the toaster oven
  • playing guitar, accordian, keyboard, and singing for a show with Nick, Clayton, Vuk, & Nicole to introduce Venice is Sinking
  • getting sushi afterwards with Nick, Nick, Clayton, Lisa and Anna
  • going to Xiu Xiu at the Drunken Unicorn with Andy, Nick, Lisa and Nick.
  • seeing the intro band - Girl in a Coma featuring an extremely badass lead singer
  • seeing xiu xiu at borders book store
  • trying a meyer lemon
  • seeing James Jean's PR3 and being completely and totally inspired again.
  • painting a self portrait based upon Andrew Wyeth's "Braids", with a black eye
  • being finished with finals tomorrow
  • the weather changing to spring... breezy and sunny...
mar 9 2010 ∞
mar 27 2010 +
mar 3 2010 ∞
mar 3 2010 +

my chest flutters like a winged brick. I can't hold my breath any longer for yours. the more I peel back the backdrop, the less it makes sense. I dissolve into the woodgrain, and run through its stiff veins, trapped in the walls. why did your eyes close? you couldn't take that channel any longer, the channel that runs between our eyes. You changed it, and the static fills my ears, the frequency blinds me. the sun is not bright enough to lighten the shadows beneath my feet. gravity will take a hold of me, it's greedy embrace and hot breath clouding my vision.

feb 13 2010 ∞
feb 13 2010 +
  • 30003 - Ceramic Techniques- Wheel Throwing 1 (11:00 TR)
  • 31155 - Introduction to Modern Dance (11:00 MW)
  • 31157 - Introduction to Ballet (11:00 TR)
  • 31670- Life Painting (2:00 MW)
  • 30691- 3D design (8am TR)



  • Intro to Performance MW 11:00 @ Crites Hall
  • Life painting Alexander Hall MW 2:00
  • Monotype/Mixed Processes 11:00 T/TH 11:00
jan 22 2010 ∞
feb 16 2010 +
  • Dying Anna's hair purple-red, and painting the town red
  • dancing in Anna's car to Sleepyhead
  • Making vegetable barley soup and green tea for lunch
  • going to Secca after class and dropping my bike off to get a bike basket installed and new handlebar gripping for free
  • going to work to model for the sequential art dept. and ending up not having to do anything but read books for several hours, and getting paid anyway
  • going to a film meeting, cooking, getting free groceries
  • dressing my mom up with Anna in a bright red corduroy dress, black leather jacket, black leggings, and lace up black boots.
  • having the art show
  • the band playing awesome music and everyone dancing in a free-for-all, flailing ma...
jan 6 2010 ∞
jan 25 2010 +
  • exchanging christmas gifts with Anna & Greyson- getting "Days of War, Nights of Love" from Anna, Slap Straps for my mayan hammock from Greyson
  • giving Anna a necklace with a one inch working harmonica on it, engraved "Little Lady"
  • giving Greyson a portrait poster of him
  • finishing a commissioned oil painting and getting paid
  • Juan lending me the book "Born in the Year of the Butterfly Knife"
  • getting on a plane to California
  • going to a yoga class with my mom
  • helping my dad make vegetarian lasagna
  • shopping at the Alpha Thrift, finding a 7 dollar red and white polka dotted pin up dress
  • staying in Suzy's room, a wooden shack behind a flower garden, with a mattress on the floor with a handmade quilt, a slante...
dec 20 2009 ∞
jan 5 2010 +
  • walk to SCAD library to finish poster
  • work out
  • draw example sketches
  • make gifts for christmas
  • find pillowcases for new artworks
  • dance
  • go to film meeting at Juan's
dec 13 2009 ∞
dec 29 2009 +

I am the emptiness that cradles your bones the light that reflects on a droplet of water an illusion

he dries a dish. sunlight hitting his eyelids through the mottled glass pane, the wind blows eloquently, I am endless creating, and a vessel that transforms all that passes through it

the prism that breaks the white light into rainbows

I do not stain what I perceive, do not strangle the things that I love, but let them go, to fly upwards, so I may see them spread their glorious wings

dec 4 2009 ∞
dec 4 2009 +
  • As much sunlight as possible
  • loads of spinach
  • green tea
  • running
  • yoga
  • walking
  • dancing
  • less refined flour
  • eat out less
  • singing
  • drink lots of water
  • breathe
nov 23 2009 ∞
nov 23 2009 +
  • Anna
  • Michelle
  • Scarlett
  • Lisa
  • Mom
  • Dad
  • Daniel
  • Adrianne
  • Rachel
  • Greyson
nov 17 2009 ∞
jan 18 2010 +
  • sew gifts for Christmas
  • take photos
  • work on pieces for January show
  • get postcards & posters printed (or make screen print)
  • go running
  • get ipod nano (or other portable media player)
  • dye hair with henna
nov 10 2009 ∞
dec 20 2009 +

as I exhale I feel an intensity, a gut wrenching scream that is hiding in the inner lining of my esophogus, it hides there, my desire to BE to exist in every moment, to experience intense subtleties that arise from the tension between earthly bodies. I long to feel your gravity, not to orbit from miles and miles away, I want to feel your gravity upon my limbs! I want to feel the rain upon my naked limbs, to be touched by something surreal, to see the light glowing through the leaf canopy... I want to dirty my clothing and sink knee deep into life, into death, into rebirth and fear and courage. I want to tango with swaying grass that makes my ankles itch. This need to move, to bite, to kick the leaves into the air- has a lot to do with how pretty I find your face.

nov 3 2009 ∞
nov 3 2009 +
  • buy a birthday present for mom
  • do color theory homework
  • call Lisa(regarding Grizzly Bear Concert), /Scarlett(regarding personal life), & /Cilla(regarding her birthday)
  • work out with Anna
  • go to U.O. or the mall to buy new underwear
  • Friday- model at 3, bake pie with Kalyn & Alex, /babysit at 7 with Anna.
  • Saturday- 10-2 Work trade at Savannah Yoga Center, leave immediately for Atlanta!
oct 1 2009 ∞
oct 7 2009 +
  • Monday 7:15 Dynamic Lev. I & II w/ Christine
  • Call 912.790.8862 (Kate Hoernle) regarding Telfair Art Fair 2009, 912.790.8869 (Mikaela Green)
  • Pick up form from Jepson Center
  • go running
  • 4:00 Dynamic Flow
  • 10 am Monday hair appointment Towne (302 E 41st St) Lindsey- 713-8228
  • Pay Electrical Bill
  • Cash checks
  • Pick up : A variety of graphite pencils, A kneadable eraser,Some drawing paper (NO NEWSPRINT), minimum size of 18x24, three or four sheets should do or a bring a pad, Bulldog clips or tape
  • Compassion, compassion, compassion
  • free yourself from all aversion and attachment.
  • let go of the negative.
aug 31 2009 ∞
oct 17 2009 +
  • kombucha tea
  • more vegetables & brown rice
  • no refined sugars, fats, or grains
  • green tea
  • walk everywhere
  • sleep enough
  • sun salutation
  • apple cider vinegar
  • more water
  • cold showers year round
aug 20 2009 ∞
sep 28 2009 +

- chicken under a brick - Alexander Pope - Mary Gaitskill - reusable cloth napkins - develop black and white photos - shady grown tea - Katinka Lampe

aug 11 2009 ∞
sep 15 2009 +
  • "The pure mind is like a clear sky, so when you have recognized it, dark rain clouds and thunderstorms cannot change it- You know it is still there, shining and blue, to return again."
  • "All people want to believe that "Everything is okay". There are two ends of achieving this- Everything matters, Nothing matters. The "Everything Matters" end of the spectrum sees life as impermanent, so see significance in every passing moment. The "nothing matters" people see life as brief and pointless, so seek to escape the weight of significance with an all encompassing "Fuck This".
  • "Selfless love does not seek ownership, it pervades all things with the complete appreciation and awe of a child."
  • "Instead of responding to negativity with further negativity, you must shine positivity, which will, in turn, reflect posit...
jul 18 2009 ∞
oct 24 2009 +
  • Lolita- Vladimir Nabokov
  • The Dharma Bums- Jack Kerouac
  • The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying- Sinyogal Rinpoche
  • The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test- Tom Wolfe
  • The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
  • Reading Lolita in Tehran
  • John Coltrane Biography
jul 8 2009 ∞
sep 1 2009 +
  • pick up refund from Biology Teacher
  • Embroider Duvet Cover
  • Sketch portraits on River Street on Saturday
  • Work on Guitar Logo
  • Give business cards to Dad to distribute
  • go to yoga classes, invite people to go to free yoga class
  • Sketch portraits at forsyth on Friday afternoon
  • Get Waiver
  • Type assignments for creative writing
  • deposit money into bank account
  • make a summer music mix
  • plan travels
  • find apartment
  • fix up bike
  • Take land camera photos
jun 1 2009 ∞
aug 1 2009 +
  • Wendy and Lucy
  • April 6th- Lisa
  • April 23rd- Vann
  • April 28th- Michelle
apr 2 2009 ∞
apr 2 2009 +
  • buy jump rope
  • drink a lot of water
  • spinach
  • lemon juice
  • yoga
  • de-stress
  • fruit
  • no saturated fats or refined sugars
feb 1 2009 ∞
feb 1 2009 +
  • Pumpkin Spice Buttermilk Pancakes
  • Banana Pancakes
  • Belgian Waffles
  • Raspberry Smoothies
  • Scrambled Eggs
  • Blueberry Scones
  • Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice (with electric Juicer)
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Spinach and Goat Cheese Quiche
  • French Toast
  • Applewood Smoked Bacon
  • Wildberry Organic Yogurt
  • Croissants with cream cheese and lox
jan 18 2009 ∞
jan 18 2009 +
  • Mad Men.
  • Flight of The Conchords
  • Six feet Under
  • Grey's Anatomy
jan 11 2009 ∞
jan 11 2009 +
  • lucky brand jeans (thrifted)
  • AA Bandeau Dress
  • Vans (navy or red)
  • Turquoise.
  • Leather HOBO convertible Backpack/Purse (was my grandmother's)
  • A handmade hammered silver necklace with the imprint of a doily (from an art fair, and part of a graduate student's thesis, was actually quite affordable)
  • A handmade silver ring with two leaves on it (bought it with a gift card that I won from Shop SCAD)
  • Red Nailpolish (usually chipped.)
jan 7 2009 ∞
jan 7 2009 +
  • "If you don't experiment, you will never create anything original."
  • "There is no such thing as bad artwork- only unfinished artwork."
  • "Do not be afraid of your artwork!"
  • "I don't want to see anyone working from a photograph! If you must- take it far beyond that step!"
  • (in reference to The Secret of NIMH) "God Damn I love this movie!"
jan 7 2009 ∞
sep 1 2009 +
  • Panini on fresh Ciabatta with an Organic Golden delicious apple sliced thin, fresh hand peeled mozzarella, fresh spinach, pork (pan seared with apple cider vinegar, honey, olive oil, salt, pepper, and corn starch), and fancy mustard.
  • Dark chocolate truffles (some dipped in powdered sugar, and others dipped in cocoa powder)
  • Lavender Cookies (with fresh lavender)
  • White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies (european butter is the key)
  • Applewood Smoked Bacon Thanksgiving Turkey (Recipe from 'Bon Appetit!')....So complicated I'm not even going to get into it.... But absolutely delicious!!
  • Honey Pancakes with pumpkin spices
jan 6 2009 ∞
jan 6 2009 +
  • Flim (Lp Version)- Aphex Twin
  • Don't Be Afraid, You have just got your eyes closed- Mum
  • Yawny at the Apocalypse- Andrew Bird
  • Phone Call- Jon Brion
  • Mi Otra Mitad de Naraja- Tosca Tango Orchestra
  • The Supine- Andrew Bird
  • So Much Beauty in Dirt- Modest Mouse
  • La Cosa Pequena- Tosca Tango Orchestra
  • Meditango(arranged for piano trio)- Astor Piazolla
  • Qué Emoción!- Omara Portuando
  • Fingerbib- Aphex Twin
  • Thirteen- Elliott Smith
  • Pretty Mary K (0ther Version)- Elliott Smith
  • Plans- Grizzly Bear
  • De Usuahia A la Quiaca- Gustavo Santoalla
  • Woke Up New- The Mountain Goats
jun 8 2007 ∞
jun 8 2007 +
  • DJ metatron - loops of infinity (reggie just showed me this one two days ago)
  • Beverly glenn copeland - self titled album and keyboard fantasies
  • Hysterical Love Project - lashes
  • deee-lite - good beat
  • larry heard - alien
  • Janet jackson - control
  • Orbital - Orbital 2
  • Pauline Anna Strom - Trans-Millenia Music
apr 19 2023 ∞
apr 19 2023 +
  • Veedon fleece playin music, trading shirts with Shane, being sung to "I like youuu you are so pretty and cool and goood at music yeahhh"
  • I'm SO GLAD YOU EXIST! ME toooo!
  • write me somethin special
  • Going to a strangers house and using all of her things without asking- putting on all of her pins and taking photos with her disposable camera- "Allright everybody in! You too! Everybody scoot- now say CHEESE!"
  • going to the beach with slimline madonna cassettes, mixtapes galore, strawberries, ginger ale, face paint, and glitter
  • playing on the playground at 4 am "THIS TELESCOPE IS BULLSHIT! It doesn't have a lens at all! Wait.... it actually kinda works! check it out!"
  • gummy bears
  • Come to madonna gary! Stop it Paul! You'r...
sep 9 2011 ∞
sep 10 2011 +
  • painting mural in new room
  • going to the beach singing a rewrite to what if god was one of us- "what if god had a muffin top...and worked in an ammunition shop" "what if god had a bucktooth grin... and lived in a muffin tin"
  • driving to decatur with hannah, dance party on deserted agnes scott campus
  • making beet burgers with avocado, sweet potato, & sriracha with chris & hannah, playing music late
  • "Carl" the sloth transspecies, gary the gay boa constrictor with a feather boa & closeted electrician partner "david"
  • finding an orange wig at goodwill, riding around in the dented volvo listening to ethiopian music while sporting it with a red scarf... feeling like a character in a low budget film
  • making butternut squash & sweet potato soup from scratch
jun 23 2011 ∞
jul 15 2011 +
  • making silly green screen movies, "act complacent, intrigued, and then strangely attracted to each other", angora clock
  • raiding montgomery hall hidden costume closet, "deluxe lancelot" costume, riding the elevator with capes and swords
  • going to the beach & swimming before the show
  • Projecting animations and green screen films on an abandoned house, live music by sunglow and shy violet
  • deb, varland, and my parents, lots of neighborhoodlums
  • strawberry pie made by sam
  • dancing to the beach boys with robin, taylor, and patrick
  • driving to asheville with Krista and Ry, eating at chai pani- tomato curry, jasmine rice, raita, chickpeas, roti, free entree
  • dancing in the drum circle, meeting up wi...
may 8 2011 ∞
jun 5 2011 +
  • Seven Types of Ambiguity - William Empson
  • Animal, Vegetable, Miracle- Barbara Kingsolver
  • Green Metropolis
  • Cloudstreet- Tim Winton
  • Popism- Andy Warhol
  • Shock Value- John Waters
  • Ways of Seeing- John Berger
  • The Savage Detectives- Robert Belano
  • The Heart is A Lonely Hunter- Carson McCullers
  • a heartbreaking work of staggering genius- Dave eggers
  • black swan green
apr 6 2011 ∞
oct 25 2012 +
  • Juice apples for kombucha
  • work in garden, plant vegetables
  • sew birthday present
  • pick up cotton rag paper & pastels for master copy
  • make mix tape & mail to asheville
  • make greek yogurt
  • work on etching final
  • sign up for spoleto festival
feb 26 2011 ∞
mar 4 2011 +
  • Painting lily's room with the windows open, listening to Nina Simone & Billie Holiday records
  • running down river street at 7:30 am, watching the sun on the water
  • Making soup with kale, couscous, lentils, onions, tomatoes, celery, tamari, curry spices, cayenne, etc. with Lily & having a potluck with Matthew, Winston, & Courtney
  • Painting a tv for a film, using oil paints again
  • going on a night bike ride with Matthew and Winston
  • "pascorting" lily to class at montgomery hall after getting coffee and tea at the bean before 8 am
  • walking over bay street bridge with lily
  • picking up copper from the middle of nowhere with toni
  • watching the wind blow the clouds through...
jan 5 2011 ∞
mar 4 2011 +
  • a beautiful downtown apartment with big windows
  • a futon
  • a dulcimer, accordian and guitar
  • a nice bike
  • amazing friends who I can make crazy noises with without having to explain myself, who will massage my shoulders when they are sore
  • a teapot
  • sketchbooks
  • a blue wig
  • salsa dancing shoes
  • steamer trunks
  • a sense of peace
  • american flag shoes
nov 18 2010 ∞
mar 7 2011 +
  • walking to the greyhound station, suitcase and backpack, 10 am
  • reading Saul Bellow on the greyhound, wearing first fall clothes... sweater, dress, tights, looking at the trees passing
  • taking the marta to decatur
  • eating at noodle with Hannah and Betsy n Gary
  • playing with figurines at michaels with Hannah, buying a Centaur action figure, driving around singing songs about him
  • five finger discount party city velvet sunglasses
  • dancing and singing through the aisles of the grocery store, following a slightly embarrassed but friendly asian man with a tap dance
  • walking around Athens, eating at the grit
  • getting fancy, all lace dressed up for the black cat at the Fabulous Fox, dancing ...
oct 4 2010 ∞
oct 25 2010 +

there walks a furry yellow bear, its generous clawed paw, soft as a potholder grasps the little fingers of a fair haired boy, who lifts his knees to his chest as he steps over the tall grass. the sweet monster effortlessly lifts the boy onto his shoulders, and the sun hits danny's striped shirt (labeled with a sharpie on the inside, that bleeds through the fabric). It is a blissful chilly day, the smell of fall blackberries and change floats about them. Even the cities can feel it, even the sidewalk and asphalt know that the leaves change. The boy grasps the thick fur between the pair of small horns with both hands, and looks down, as they bumble along, his feet bumping softly against roger's chest with every heavy step. it grows darker and the sky melts like crayons and the wind breathes more audibly through the leaves, sleepy at the end of the day. the chill air makes the bear's fur stan...

aug 20 2010 ∞
aug 20 2010 +

the water is pouring in under the door, and we can't keep the current from filling up the house. The rain falls and falls and we can't catch it all in our arms, it is much too sad. we see each other walking in the twilight on that familiar street, on opposite sidewalks, and we meet, hair aflame, but quietly contemplative. secretly full. we walk together, saying nothing, expecting nothing, but thankful. I am in a wooden house with a high atrium ceiling, the woodbeams meeting at a central point. There are six others here and they tell me how to do astral projection. They say that I must close my eyes and become completely still, and focus all of my energy on my heart's center chakra. Then I can feel the movement upwards and I split from my body and float up to the ceiling, and from there I can see my body, and I can see the other people's glowing spirit bodies, and we dance. I find myself ou...

jun 28 2010 ∞
aug 20 2010 +

the sky looks gray and blue and like a backdrop, but the peoples faces look exquisitely realized. I observe their detail, and they almost seem too beautiful, glowing with vividness. I pass by them, following the gravel road that breaks between weeds and grass, observing the gorgeous photos in my mind.

may 31 2010 ∞
may 31 2010 +
  • Video screened at Cine for AUX 5 Experimental Arts festival in Athens (May 7th)
  • Projection show w/ Sunglow & Shy Violet (April 29th)
  • assisted in printing for Michael Scoggins February 2011
  • assisted in master printing for Natalia Malejovic January 2011
  • Played music for yoga co-op opening 2011
  • drawing works 2011
  • Painted set & created props for Grass Roots film
  • live drawing projection/ music performance @ Dream Operator
  • projection/music performance @ 1417
  • directed and shot super 8 film
  • felting installation assistant
  • Color Theory Director/ Art Producer - The Magic Opera (film)
  • Solo Show- "Blanket Theory" at the Sentient Bean (Noted in New York Times)January ...
may 17 2010 ∞
may 1 2011 +

I rolled out of bed, on to the wood floor, and I looked about, my eyes fogged over with sleep and delusion, but I opened them and reached out to find truth. I walked until I found your face, and you shook your head and said that I would not find anything in you. I straightened the blurs until there was no white space in between.

may 15 2010 ∞
may 15 2010 +
  • Trucker's Atlas- Sun Kil Moon
  • I Think I Need a New Heart- The Magnetic Fields
  • Know Who You Are at Every Age- The Cocteau Twins
  • Myxomatosis- Radiohead
  • I've Got Some Friends- Akron/Family
  • I'll Believe in Anything- Wolf Parade
may 7 2010 ∞
jul 18 2010 +
  • Survey of Western Art I MW 08:00 am-10:30 am Edwin H. Johnson - Arnold Hall
  • Life Drawing II MW 11:00 am-01:30 pm-Jeffrey M. Markowsky - Anderson Hall
  • Intermediate Lithography TR 02:00 pm-04:30 pm- Eun S. Lee - Alexander Hall
apr 26 2010 ∞
apr 28 2010 +
  • being able to leave and drive up to athens
  • curling my hair
  • listening to music in the car and doing the wave
  • stopping at a gas station with a petting zoo
  • eating at "the grit"
  • meeting Addison
  • hearing "War Paint" (incredibly incredible all-girl band from Brooklyn)
  • dancing/moshing like crazy to crazy good Akron/Family with William and Corey and Sarah
  • meeting Christopher & staying at his house
  • sleeping on the floor with Sarah T, Corey, Tyler, Nicole, Andy, Sarah C, and Nick.
  • waking up and having brunch at the grit again, seeing Andrew briefly
feb 21 2010 ∞
mar 27 2010 +

anis mojgani

jan 26 2010 ∞
jan 26 2010 +
  • Friday, January 22, Gallery Hop 6 pm
  • Diwali Festival of Lights

Saturday, Jan. 23, 7 p.m. River Club This event includes a fashion show, henna tattoos, food and drinks (cash only), authentic live music, Bollywood dance performances and oriental belly dancing. This event is free and presented by Milaap and ISA.

  • February 18th, 40 Watt- AKRON/FAMILY
jan 19 2010 ∞
feb 11 2012 +
  • finish poster
  • get poster printed
  • do drawings for movie
  • paint new work for show
  • purchase art supplies
  • finish commission for Kathy Wood
dec 26 2009 ∞
jan 14 2010 +
  • George Segal
  • Robert Rauschenberg
  • James McNeill Whistler
  • Claude Monet
  • Andrew Wyeth
  • Ryan McGinley
  • Gustav Klimt
  • Toulouse Lautrec
dec 14 2009 ∞
jan 6 2011 +
dec 6 2009 ∞
dec 15 2009 +
  • Making Apple Cider & Braided Whole Wheat Egg Bread for the Vegetarian Thanksgiving Potluck
  • Seeing old & new faces
  • dancing to Panda Bear
  • 4 am Ihop
  • Playing music (guitar) with Adrianne (fiddle) and Brandon (mandolin)
  • house viewing
  • listening to records with sarah and nick and sarah
  • picnic in the park
  • trading books
  • going thanksgiving food shopping with mom
  • making strawberry rhubarb blackberry pie
  • Scarlett coming into town!
  • pillow moshing with Lisa, Rose, and Scarlett
  • walking outside at night in the freezing cold after dinner with Lisa, Rose, Scarle...
nov 23 2009 ∞
dec 13 2009 +
  • IV Curious People and Dangerous Ideas- Chuck Klosterman
  • Be Here Now- The Lama Foundation
  • Memories of My Melancholy Whores- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Summer Blonde- Adrian Tomine
  • Strange Pilgrims- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Trash- Dorothy Allison
  • On the Road- Jack Kerouac
  • When You Are Engulfed in Flames- David Sedaris
  • The Sirens of Titan- Kurt Vonnegut
  • The Omnivore's Dilemma- Micheal Pollan
  • The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao- Junot Diaz
  • Days of War, Nights of Love - Crimethink
  • PopIsm- Andy Warhol
  • Immortality- Milan Kundera
nov 17 2009 ∞
dec 26 2009 +
  • Bottle hair, face & body multipurpose exfoliant/wash (Pretty), sell at Farmer's Market
  • Create book of ideas & writing (get typewriter replacement cartridge)
  • Order postcards to advertise art show
  • Do paintings of people underwater, swimming in buildings & take underwater reference photos
nov 9 2009 ∞
dec 12 2009 +
  • multigrain biscuit with a poached egg and lox
  • uncooked oats
  • silent dancing at the marta subway station
  • walking to piedmont park
  • huge sky, geometric playground
  • cold air
  • corduroy jacket
  • bizarre conversations
  • 3 am death playground
  • Beach House singing a song with Grizzly Bear
  • shelled hemp seeds
  • band playing for art show
  • two new paintings in 2 days
  • the yogurt tap
  • next quarter's classes- Life Drawing I, Oil-Based Media Exploration, Lithography
  • wearing layers
  • having a vegan potluck
oct 7 2009 ∞
oct 24 2009 +
  • 3 am Banana pancakes with roommates and Bob Dylan
  • eating a cold fuji apple while walking by the park, as the wind blows
  • painting at 1 am
  • carrot birthday cake
  • aluminum foil chest hair club
  • meeting new people
  • dancing around the apartment
  • cold showers
  • talking to people at the yoga center
  • biking anywhere downtown in 15 minutes
  • going to tea with my family and Anna, having green mint tea and a roasted tomato and mozzarella salad, and great conversation
  • being proud of my subconscious for making great dream decisions
  • the tea being ready right now
  • today is my birthday.
  • Doing a 7:15 Yoga class, taking a cold sh...
sep 20 2009 ∞
oct 1 2009 +
  • 525. 6603 (SCAD Modeling)
  • 12:15 Savannah Yoga Center training
  • Drop off resumes
  • Apply at Express Cafe between 2-3pm
  • Thursday 11:30 Anderson Hall Office A across from 102 & 103 1st floor
  • Thursday 5:00 with Kat SYC check-in
  • SCAD warehouse sale 8am
  • Saturday 10:00 SYC (lights, store, check-in, cleaning)
  • Babysitting at 2:00
  • Check in at the Starlander Coffee House
  • Drop resume at Cora Bett Thomas (24 E. Oglethorpe) ask for Catherine Hemi
  • Send poster examples to Kelley B.
  • Pick up Paperwork from Anderson Hall
  • Drop off paperwork.
  • Email scanned passport and license
  • Interview at Cora Bett Friday at 2:00
  • 3:00 pm Friday Modeling @ Eckberg
  • 7:00 pm Friday Babysitting for Addison
aug 25 2009 ∞
oct 17 2009 +
  • being a vessel, allowing emotions to pass through without attachment
  • full of light and lightness
  • moving out on Friday
  • sky-like mind
  • green tea
  • thinking of myself as an old person
  • running
  • going to the library
  • compassion
  • parsley, spinach, squash, zucchini
  • cold grapefruit
  • hand holding
  • freckles
  • Harold & Maude
  • on top of roofs at night in the city
  • turquoise running shorts
  • dancing above the guitar bar
  • mopping the floor with pine sol
  • fresh shelled peas from the farmers market
aug 11 2009 ∞
sep 1 2009 +
  • Jars for cooking ingredients
  • Cotton or linen curtains
  • New mattress
  • Silverware
  • Skillet, pots, pans
  • tea pot
  • Forks, Knives, Spoons
  • Bookshelf (using top of fireplace w/ bookends)
  • Lamps
  • Broom, Mop, Vaccuum Cleaner
  • Cooking Spices
  • Old Mirrors
  • Plates & Bowls
  • Flower Vases (makeshift)
  • Kitchen Table and Chairs
  • Living Room Couch or Floor Cushions
aug 4 2009 ∞
oct 17 2009 +
  • playing solitaire over and over
  • keeping a book of lists
  • doing late night projects
  • actually enjoying doing housewife-like activities- sweeping, mopping, ironing, cooking, baking, doing dishes, folding laundry, being a good host, making tea, sewing and mending clothes
jul 21 2009 ∞
jul 21 2009 +
  • Paris D'Erik at Jepson Center
  • Yoga at Savannah Yoga Center
  • Cardboard Party
  • Subterrene
  • 5 AM Mind Melding
  • blue springs- so cold and clear you can see your toe nail polish and the grains of sand at the bottom
  • Psycho at Trustees
  • Reptar
  • Coco rico
  • Vegan potluck
  • Meditation on the wall of the fragrant garden
jul 17 2009 ∞
aug 11 2009 +
  • Sew pillowcases
  • find mirrors
  • buy mayan hammock
  • reduce intake of sugar
  • apply for telfair art fair
  • pick up art
  • pick up sandals and bathing suit
jun 13 2009 ∞
sep 1 2009 +
  • mail off $20 check to Cooper Union
  • Get in touch with Mike Davis about Logo Design
  • Finish AP Studio portfolio
  • Work on Ap Environmental project
  • Take Photos
  • Go to the Trustee's Garden
  • Make ciabatta
apr 25 2009 ∞
aug 1 2009 +
  • accordian
  • xylophone
  • mountain dulcimer
  • gibson acoustic guitar
  • Ibanez electric acoustic guitar
  • yamaha upright piano (this is my parents)
  • baldwin grand piano (also my parents)
  • stratocaster sapphire blue stained electric fender (sold to a friend)
jan 22 2009 ∞
jan 22 2009 +

the playground is a tangled string and we will climb and climb and her socks so crumpled in her tennis shoes hair in a scrunchie she is so popular and she can draw horses. why can't I talk to people like she can. the wood chips are getting in my shoes and I can't do the monkey bars. My hands are getting blisters. I give up. The sky is very bright, we are picking blackberries from the side of the wire school fence, we are getting pricked by their thorns and eating them right there. we are wearing your grandfather's business coats, the striped pockets are below your knees and we are businessmen. we use the typewriter and are efficient. we type lists of everything that we want to do when we grow up. I can't find those lists we wrote, they are in a cardboard box you never unpacked or maybe between the wallpaper and a cabinet somewhere in that house you sold. But we were hiding in the trunk of ...

jan 22 2009 ∞
jan 22 2009 +
  • a Wild Sheep Chase- Haruki Murakami
  • The Dharma Bums- Jack Kerouac
jan 17 2009 ∞
jan 17 2009 +
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Cooking
  • Painting
  • Hugging
  • Touching Noses
  • Sketching
  • Dancing
  • Playing Guitar
  • Doing Push-Ups
  • Dreaming
  • Doing Free writes
  • Photography
  • Washing my face
jan 10 2009 ∞
jan 10 2009 +

day 1

  • Organic Cheerios with raisins, sliced banana, and rice milk
  • Rooibos tea

day 2

  • Rachel's Honey Plum Lavender yogurt
  • Raspberries
  • Roasted Almonds
jan 7 2009 ∞
jan 7 2009 +
  • Slumdog Millionaire
  • Amelie
  • My Life Without Me
  • Persepolis
  • Shawn of the Dead
  • Almost Famous
  • Donnie Darko
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Waking Life
  • The Science of Sleep
  • La Vita è bella (Life is Beautiful)
  • Napoleon Dynamite (haha, I still love this movie)
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Fight Club
  • Rushmore
  • The Outsiders
  • Divine Waters
  • the Wayward Cloud
jan 6 2009 ∞
may 1 2011 +
list icon
  • reading
  • yoga
  • sleeping
  • riding my bike at sunset
  • eating fruit
  • working out 4 or 5 times a week
  • talking to Vann on the phone
  • eating at the Gryphon Tea Room
  • eating at Cafe Ambrosia
  • trading in my old clothes at Civvies
  • reading obsessively about old polaroid models
  • searching on ebay for said models
  • buying old technology from goodwill (tape players, record players, cassettes & records)
  • documenting my dreams
  • listening to music
  • making mix tapes & cds
jun 8 2007 ∞
aug 1 2009 +
  • cast cinderblocks, make colored glass bricks
  • order shoes or buy new ones somewhere
  • sell painting + monotype shirts to Amy Z. (360, 700)
  • make monotype shirt for Bobby. (Saturday)(60.)
  • render psychic twin video overnight/ throughout the day.

(good job)

  • 200 - psychic twin, 600- the antiques
  • email CEO of us1 airlines about logo design (1200.)
  • drop off time sheet at old york hall whatever the hell its called now (220)
  • paint for Ann (60.)
  • buy austin bus ticket motherlicker
  • make animations for psychic twin on the bus.
  • compile projection materials for austin s...
feb 28 2013 ∞
feb 28 2013 +
  • seeing ellen at christmas
  • picking bags and bags of oranges, juicing them to make christmas day orange juice
  • making french toast with bread from D'Angelos
  • running to the beach, laying down in the water in my clothes, drying off sitting in the sun on top of a picnic table
  • russian dancing with addison in the green room
  • blasting a huge audience with new years feathers using a leaf blower
  • singing onstage with graham
  • walking with graham outside at night in athens, ditching the party, lying down on the bank of a road and talking and laughing
  • walking to his house, failing to make a fire, failing to bring out the fold out couches
  • driving to Asheville with Alycia
jan 24 2012 ∞
feb 8 2012 +
  • shy violet, marmalade mouth, harry & the potters, july 17
  • grand opening, paintings & projections
  • Experimental video screening & competition - online submission, $25 entry fee
  • Roast Beast - late night coffee & movie screening
  • August art/craft fair, booths
  • represent @ art basel
  • film super 8 music video in july
  • do synchronized dance show (MARMALADE MOUTH) with thick paint, August
  • WUOG Carnival Radio event, projections
  • Prince Rama, Sacred Harp @ 1417 August 5th
  • Giving Up + Putting Out @ 1417 August 8th
jun 24 2011 ∞
sep 9 2011 +
  • french press
  • projector
  • rent out apartment for the summer
  • external hard drive
  • tokyomilk
  • electric guitar
  • pedals
  • synthesizer (Korg)
  • PA system
may 11 2011 ∞
feb 28 2013 +
  • project film on train car
  • film at night with strong spotlighting
apr 13 2011 ∞
apr 13 2011 +
  • boombox/tape recorder to make a mix tape of local music & summer mix tapes
  • someone who I can share a sweet mutual appreciation with
  • blackberry season to be right now so I can make jam
  • practice
mar 1 2011 ∞
mar 13 2011 +
  • king of spain- the tallest man on earth
  • I felt your shape- the microphones
  • the night descending- iron & wine
  • April 8th - Neutral Milk Hotel
  • Just like Tom Thumb's Blues- Nina Simone
  • I want the wind to blow- the microphones
  • thousand ways- the tallest man on earth
jan 8 2011 ∞
jan 19 2011 +

it is night time, I am looking around when I realize that I am dreaming. I am looking at Bill Murray. I become very lucid. We decide to go flying together. It is a starry night. We flap our arms like wings and he gives me the courage to fly. He starts to doubt his ability and starts to sink, but I stay focused and keep flying higher, past trees. I have another dream, and I brag to the people in it about flying with Bill. Scene change. I am with Athens friends at a party. There are piles of shirts for reconstructing. I can't pick the right one. colors colors colors, lots and lots of people, birds eye views.

nov 25 2010 ∞
dec 27 2010 +

a gray sky is one that whistles and hums like paper and glass, a stirring pressure mix that is wary and humble, cold cold it holds the sun in damp sheets. Looking up up up and so far up it is a moldy cold sheet flapping in the wind. standing below the bridge, the ragged humble bumbles watch it blow. When their shoes talk, they tape their mouths shut with layers and layers of electrical tape. Every shirt has known their chests for day after day, the fibers have been through water- rain, oceans, vomit, tears, sweat, and city puddles. They were kids once, rough and tumble quiet kids who knew what gravel felt like. Fighters, bloody eyes and knuckles and knees and chipped teeth. He was in love once, a girl with a lavender ribbon and smooth hands that never talked or ate. But she whistled in the wind like a blade of grass, and her eyes were like grey skies. She disappeared behind a dumpster and ...

nov 9 2010 ∞
dec 29 2010 +
  • sparrow
  • transparent sticker paper for wall mural
  • Heirloom squash farrotto
  • lavender, mugwort, spearmint, rolling papers
  • tin
oct 5 2010 ∞
oct 25 2010 +
  • being spun wildly about the dance floor at Salsa night
  • antique window shopping & getting a cheese board w/ Sean
  • swimming with Lisa, Adrianne & Sean
  • filming going away movies with Lisa & Sean
  • having a "slumber party" with Zach, Lily, Lauren & Chris, playing truth or dare, wearing a flowery robe
  • dreaming about little mice in western costumes holding eachother hostage
  • getting film from my trip to Asheville developed
  • starting a new drawing, taped to the wall
  • waking up, drinking white peach tea, listening to mum, biking to a yoga class on a grey day
  • learning scenic world on accordian
  • finally getting my driver's license
aug 27 2010 ∞
oct 22 2010 +
  • Shaving Lisa's head in the bathroom
  • Salsa dancing at Tantra, learning to dance with Arnold and Wyatt, being asked to dance by various gentlemen, including an extremely adept middle aged Asian man, a Latvian, a Salsa instructor, etc.
  • singing Reptilia at karaoke night
  • spending Evan's birthday walking around downtown drinking coconut water, eating at the express cafe, going to the movies, making dinner at the apartment, exploring the mansion and seeing Robin play jazz at 700, stealing free mints
  • having a fancy picnic in the cemetary with Hannah, Ethan, Lisa, and Anna, dressed in finery and surrounded by gravestones, eating cucumber tea sandwiches
  • "I love how this wig looks with this leotard"
  • seeing Tyler and Evan play music, dancing
aug 9 2010 ∞
oct 22 2010 +
  • staying in Suzy's room, slanted wooden cieling, handmade quilt with moon and star patches, looks just like the quilt from that children's story..."The Quilt Story"
  • chilly temperature, cool enough to wear sweaters, sunny enough for shorts
  • picking blood oranges, valencia oranges, gala apples, plums, peaches, lemons, granny smith apples, clementines and apricots from the fruit trees that grow so well in Santa Barbara
  • eating at D'Angelos, a local bakery that makes fresh, fresh bread every day
  • running to the beach and back (7 miles)
  • swimming in the cold cold ocean at Henry's beach
  • making carrot dogs on Independence day
  • meditating all the way to sleep
  • Seeing Au Revoir Simone at the Velvet Jones, dancing
  • walking through the dried up creek bed, j...
jul 6 2010 ∞
oct 22 2010 +
  • by next summer, compete in a triathalon
  • drop weight to improve running
  • call coffee cat, book show in California
  • bike to farmers market in Montecito
  • record music
  • make website
  • do large format drawings
  • develop panoramic photos
  • meditate
jun 13 2010 ∞
jun 13 2010 +

moonmilk, take a taste, and we walk in unison. my back touches your front, and we possess a secret love, the strongest of all loves. the english language does not have enough words for love. there are too many kinds to document but she cries cries cries, face full of lines drawn from crying. because love is not allowed in this government, you may not be a writer. He was a secret writer, and now he has been snuffed out for his beauty. A flame that would ignite the souls of the city. So she cries. moon milke, wet and sweet, and we desire what we do not understand. The magic. suppose I were to offer you my hands, and you were to take them- would that be enough? I think it would. it would be enough to pretend that the tree I pass on drayton st. is a lover from a past life that waits for me. So I acknowledge it. I look back at it as I walk away, creating a dramatic moment. I look back again. It...

may 19 2010 ∞
may 19 2010 +
  • keep an extensive sketchbook
  • keep a dedicated dream journal/sketchbook
  • go on spiritual pilgrimages in both waking life and in lucid dreams
  • find answers in everything
  • write & record music
  • be vegan for the summer (and probably continue from there)
  • farmer's market lemonade/kombucha/fresh baked bread stand
  • go on a commune hopping road trip
  • get in intense shape
  • keep my eyes open to all possibilities
  • expand my portfolio
  • take underwater portraits
  • volunteer at ashram or the savannah yoga center
  • volunteer at the food co-op
  • bike to tybee island
  • read cloudstreet- tim winton
may 16 2010 ∞
feb 7 2011 +
  • baking a banana cake with peanut butter frosting with Lisa
  • running around the park at night, playing chase
  • going on the swings
  • pretending the playground was a ship, and lisa barely made it on alive
  • playing the laughing game on our backs in the park at night, looking up at the stars
  • singing on the fourth floor of the UGA arts building
  • teaching classes about microscopic dinosaurs
  • cacti watching western films
  • playing music with Addison, William & Andrew
  • Painting a pony at the sculpture show
  • sketching the book store on jackson st
  • listening to the magnetic fields with kyle on the way back from athens, passing fi...
apr 30 2010 ∞
oct 22 2010 +
mar 26 2010 ∞
jul 15 2011 +
  • bike to California at the beginning of summer
  • keep doing pushups
  • bring yoga & meditation back into life
  • keep dream sketchbook (with accompanying typed & written stories in envelopes) (l'autre vie d'un onieronaut)or "R.E.M. 2010"
  • green teaaaa
  • make kombucha from scratch
  • more broccoli, spinach, and avocado
  • advertise apartment for summer rental
  • go to the beach
  • take nude photos underwater in Blue Springs, FL
  • use panoramic camera
  • order blue wig
  • make bunk bed/fort using antique windows
  • do portrait sketches in the park twice a week during tourist season...
  • do a headstand every day
feb 23 2010 ∞
jul 6 2010 +
feb 3 2010 ∞
feb 3 2010 +

April 23, 2009 by ritasroots

The carrots are growing like crazy and even starting to shoot up their flowers stalks due to all of our ups and downs in temperature. This recipe comes from the Savory Market on James Island and we LOVE them. They can hang out in your fridge marinating for two weeks, but are ready in an hour too. Eat ‘em just like a hot dog, but with no meat or soy! Top with braised mustard greens or fresh lettuce.

You need:

6-10 meduim sized carrots, those about the size of a traditional hot dog, washed and with ends cut off.

For the marinade, whisk together

1 cup soy sauce or tamari

1 cup water

1/2 cup rice vinegar

1/4 cup sesame oil

1 tbsp chopped pickled or fresh ginger

1 tbsp chopped fresh garlic

jan 19 2010 ∞
jan 19 2010 +

it's so simple. I am a breathing organism that endures all sorts of weather. It is cold, I get on my bike and I pedal through the air, my fingers go numb, and my mind is as clear as the sky. my heart beats fast, I love the way it felt to have his arm around my side, and I can tell he doesn't want me that much. Nothing sticks, it passes through like the air in my lungs, and I feel empty, and bright. Do I feel? The lights change and I can see them so I pedal. I make it hear to there and it is all quite beautiful and brisk. perhaps you could never love a place like this, maybe it's only aesthetic, maybe you're looking for something "real" / but I can only tell you that what you're looking for / you are a blind man. my heart beats fast and it all falls through, it all falls up and here here here and whyever do I need a there? but there is always there. here is passing through, like the air in ...

jan 4 2010 ∞
jan 4 2010 +
  • I do not want to die in a hospital
  • I would like to die outside
  • I will project positivity to the world
  • I am curious about the transcendance of the physical body
  • I would like to help those that are dying
  • I like to think to myself frequently "If I were to die now..." or "today could be my last day."
  • living this way, you know what really matters
  • I would like to be buried in the earth, in the dirt
  • I would like there to be plenty of dancing and singing, and no formalism, people sharing poetry
dec 20 2009 ∞
dec 22 2009 +

turqoise boxes with photos in side, I turn them over, underneath they say "do not open at all costs" I peel back the paper, and I find a stream of salty tears flows gently from the box, they roll down my wrists. When I open the box, a tinny echoing metal lullaby begins, the gears turn, a sweet golden sunlight emerges, glowing from deep inside. I immerse my fingertips in the water, and slowly peer inside, beneath the water are sunset colored koi...

dec 12 2009 ∞
dec 12 2009 +

The works explore the mysteries of the self. They delve into the interaction between what lies inside with what is outside, and the nature of barriers. They focus on the synergy of the internal and the external. These pieces were an attempt to reveal the illusory nature of barriers- that our bodies are not cages, but vessels.

nov 30 2009 ∞
nov 30 2009 +

Color Theory-

  • move image onto usb
  • get printed at Kinko's
  • scan pages at library
  • print missing pages
  • paint interior design pages
  • paint Rothko example
  • paint how to mix glowing color
  • paint portion of figure from painting
nov 19 2009 ∞
nov 23 2009 +

sometimes the music gets so loud inside that my eyes open inside, I see inside, there is a lot of darkness, but there are echoing rememberances, distorted picturescapes and soundscapes, there are poets of the night, the ones that stay up creating artficial worlds, that play out in a place far away, the actors are somewhat disturbed with an overwhelming sense of deja vu, deja ete, and they lift their hand, invisible strings pulling up the wrist, as they stare up at the sky, boundless- or perhaps a simple backdrop? The poets of the night, they have wire frame beds, with tattered baby blankets, and cold hardwood floors, they sleep in attics, keeping a little window open with a waterlogged book..old poets are waterlogged books- much too full of inflated prose and emotion, holding up the window so that others can see out... they cannot forget what others seem to have forgotten, glazed eyes, wal...

nov 16 2009 ∞
nov 16 2009 +

I dreamt of tiny figurines, porcelain robin's eggs tinier than my pinkie nail, so minuscule and breathtaking, shining. Little men glazed red, tiny shiny sheep. they all fit in a little box. There is a cathedral, with a confession room, the stained glass glows a holy blue, and there is draping that is endearing and comforting, like a childhood fort. The sunlight glows through the window, and I can remember those Sundays, the sitting, standing, kneeling, my dad and I adding the numbers of the listed hymns; we waited, staring at the vaulted wooden ceiling suspended yards above us. The air outside was crisp, and the sun shone ravishingly on our shoulders. All of the people I met outside the doors after service, the adults who said I looked like my mother, and my brother and I would run about with the other shiny shoe clad children... before we went out to breakfast, buffets of renewable eggs a...

nov 10 2009 ∞
nov 10 2009 +
  • Adrianne, Michelle, Hannah, Rose, & Sean coming into town to visit
  • Celebrating Adrianne's birthday with a Fuji Apple Cake
  • Having a Salon on the porch (endless talking)
  • about to go running with Michelle downtown
  • going to the Jepson on Sunday for free to see the Dutch Painters exhibit..
  • giant paintings of horses on the hillside on a stormy afternoon
  • Late night Sunday yoga
  • Going to Vinnie Van GoGos late Sunday night with Anna and her drunk family
  • Modeling for an illustration class- wearing a floor length 50's style dress, a hat with a viel, and pretending to shoot a 50's gangster gattling gun...
  • biking home at night through the wet grass in the park, illuminated by lightning
oct 25 2009 ∞
nov 17 2009 +


      • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
      • 3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
      • 1 teaspoon salt
      • 1 tablespoon white sugar
      • 1 1/4 cups milk
      • 1 egg
      • 3 tablespoons butter, melted
    • In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Make a well in the center and pour in the milk, egg and melted butter; mix until smooth.
    • Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot.
sep 23 2009 ∞
sep 23 2009 +
  • Develop double exposure photos at large scale
  • frame land camera photographs
  • do more fabric pieces
  • finish preexisting pieces
  • fully develop artist's statement
  • try to obtain some 665 polaroid film (includes giant negative)
  • apply for Telfair Open Art
  • find roll of film taken at Blue Springs
  • apply for Small Works show
  • painting for Kathy
  • painting for Larry & Sandy
aug 27 2009 ∞
jan 18 2010 +
  • ExLibris
  • the Casbah
  • Brighter Day
  • Leopold's Ice Cream
  • The Mansion
  • 700 Drayton
  • Bohemian Hotel
  • Primary Art Supply
  • The Sentient Bean
  • The Tea Room
  • Savannah Yoga Center
  • Starland Cafe
  • Express Cafe
  • Back in the Day Bakery
aug 17 2009 ∞
oct 24 2009 +
  • 1/2 cup goat's milk yogurt
  • 1/2 cup soft fresh goat cheese, crumbled
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 24 ripe black mission figs, halved
  • fleur de sel
  • 2 bunches peppercress or water cress
  • 1 cup small mint leaves (loosely packed)
  • 1 dried indonesian long pepper, ground

a) work together first 5 ingredients in medium bowl, season with salt and reserve b) sprinkle figs with fleur de sel, set in center of plate, add dressing, add remaining ingredients

aug 11 2009 ∞
aug 11 2009 +
  • falafel with taziki sauce
  • sushi (favorites- sweet potato roll & salmon nigiri)
  • panini
  • pad thai
  • omelettes
  • fruit pancakes
  • pizza (favorite- spinach and sun-dried tomato)
  • spinach, strawberry and feta salad
  • dark chocolate truffles
  • crepes
  • soup
  • curry
jul 29 2009 ∞
oct 24 2009 +
  • July 22nd- 2 Year Anniversary, Dentist's Appt.
  • July 30-31st- Summer Swarm Orientation
  • August 6 & 7 Orientation
  • Masquerave Poster
  • Finish Duvet Applique
  • Add Text to Logo
  • Grizzly Bear/Variety Playhouse/Atlanta/10/05/Tickets on sale 7/14
jul 17 2009 ∞
aug 16 2009 +

Chocolate Tupelo Honey Cake


      • 4 ounce semi or bittersweet chocolate in pieces
      • 1 cup light brown sugar
      • 2 sticks butter
      • 1/2 cup Tupelo Honey
      • 2 eggs, room temperature
      • 1 cup all-purpose flour
      • 1 teaspoon baking soda
      • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
      • 1 cup boiling water
      • For the Glaze
      • 1/4 cup water
      • 1/4 cup Tupelo Honey
      • 6 ounce semi sweet chocolate
      • 3/4 cup confectioner's sugar

Directions: To make the cake: Melt the chocolate in the microwave or over boilin...

jul 8 2009 ∞
jul 8 2009 +
  • Color Film
  • The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
  • Thoughts of Impermanence
  • Biking
  • It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
  • Backbends
  • A cold ocean at 6:30 am on bare skin
apr 25 2009 ∞
apr 25 2009 +
  • Accepted into Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA)
  • Sent off home test to Cooper Union
  • Accepted into Savannah College of Art and Design
  • 5 on AP Studio 2d, 4 on AP Environmental
feb 24 2009 ∞
jul 17 2009 +
  • The Unbearable Lightness of Being- Milan Kundera
  • Life is Elsewhere- Milan Kundera
  • Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close- Johnathan Safran Foer
  • Everything is Illuminated- Johnathan Safran Foer
  • 100 Years of Solitude- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Norweigan Wood- Haruki Murakami
  • The Wind Up Bird Chronicle- Haruki Murakami
  • Kafka on the Shore- Haruki Murakami
  • Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World- Haruki Murakami
  • Harold and the Purple Crayon
  • Blankets- Craig Thompson
  • The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying- Sinyogal Rinpoche
  • The Dharma Bums- Jack Kerouac
jan 18 2009 ∞
jul 8 2009 +
  • To do a backbend
  • To yell "FUCK YOU!"
  • to bite into peoples shoulders
  • To touch people's faces
  • to dance
  • to hug
  • to do push ups or yoga
  • to yell
  • to play guitar (whenever I see someone else playing)
  • to cuddle
jan 18 2009 ∞
jan 18 2009 +
  • Recommendation letters for MICA app.
  • Journal Article Reviews for AP Env.
  • Get copy of Transcript
  • Send Transcript to Cooper Union
jan 11 2009 ∞
jan 21 2009 +
  • Grapefruit
  • Natural Raspberry Ginger Ale
  • Cheerios with raisins
  • BBQ Ribs
  • Red Tea
  • Honeycomb
jan 7 2009 ∞
jan 7 2009 +
  • wind
  • thin paper crinkling
  • the sound that ink makes when it is being rolled onto plexiglass (Printmaking)
  • a whisper
  • cello
  • violin
  • music boxes
  • wind chimes
jan 7 2009 ∞
oct 24 2009 +
list icon
  • Cocteau Twins
  • Kings of Convenience
  • Yann Tiersen
  • Múm
  • Pinback
  • Chopin
  • Sigur Rós
  • Aphex Twin
  • Rodrigo y Gabriela
  • Nick Drake
  • Miles Davis
  • M. Ward
  • Andrew Bird
  • Iron & Wine
  • Panda Bear
jun 8 2007 ∞
jan 10 2009 +