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night is a hidden world one of sleep without light we evolved for sleep- how did it come to us what were we doing before sleep night was an extension of day a dark dark extension- not a curtain that closed as the sun set, people ate at night or walked at night without regret or fear perhaps fear with animals lurking under bush but we were always alive with no escape, no soft veined curtain to end ...

lisa music (memories)
autobio (my epitaphs)
  • painting mural in new room
  • going to the beach singing a rewrite to what if god was one of us- "what if god had a muffin top...and worked in an ammunition shop" "what if god had a bucktooth grin... and lived in a muffin tin"
  • driving to decatur with hannah, dance party on deserted agnes scott campus
  • making beet burgers with avocado, sweet potato, & sriracha with chris & hannah, playing music late
  • "Carl" the sloth transspecies, gary the gay boa constrictor with a feather boa & closeted electrician partner "david"
  • finding an orange wig at goodwill, riding around in the dented volvo listening to ethiopian music while sporting it with a red scarf... feeling like a character in a low budget film
  • making butternut squash & sweet potato soup from scratch
  • going to the beach with hannah at night, swimming in a tidepool, diatoms sparkling madly
  • postcard & mix from france in the new mailbox
  • picking up a free electric organ, connecting it to my computer and recording songs
  • making fresh coffee in the french press with cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla and honey
  • going to athens, meeting up with michelle, walking to an abandoned lot that miraculously had two wonderful chairs... watching fireflies and talking for a long time about happiness in the flickering street light
  • putting the chairs in michelles car and walking downtown
  • even 45 minutes early, 40 watt at maximum capacity, william saving me from the abyss of waiting people & pulling me inside
  • dancing to reptar with addison, jump jump jumpin around
  • seeing washed out, groovy brainwashy dancy
  • seeing blaze (bambara), meeting the drummer from washed out, meeting ryan m & getting a free beer that he also got for free
  • talking to graham about thick paint opening for my synchronized dance group
  • going back to ruth st and talking for a while, trying the beer andrew made, talking about video art and sleepin on the foldout couch with ross
  • picnicing on north campus, three dolla hummus wrap from erc, salsa yogurt man, climbing trees
  • biking around tha neighborhood, goin down hills real fast
  • eating a peanut butter cookie while watching a doc about the drive by truckers at cine, meeting michelle, getting tomato leek soup with corn bread at the grit, sudden onset of ominous looking stormclouds
  • playing in the rain with william, jumping in puddles, standing in the flow of rushing water
  • watching igby goes down with william and sarah, blackberry pie
  • making a music video for context clues with glitttter + other magic
  • biking around savannah at night by myself, through the squares, going into saya for salsa night and salsa dancing with my old salsa dance teacher and an awkward bracy boy
  • making marmalade mouth shirts with hannah
  • getting a new camera "freedom zoom 90" from the mission
  • an old woman yelling "long live harry potter" to me as I biked past her at night
  • making mixtapes in my room
jun 23 2011 ∞
jul 15 2011 +