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night is a hidden world one of sleep without light we evolved for sleep- how did it come to us what were we doing before sleep night was an extension of day a dark dark extension- not a curtain that closed as the sun set, people ate at night or walked at night without regret or fear perhaps fear with animals lurking under bush but we were always alive with no escape, no soft veined curtain to end ...

lisa music (memories)
autobio (my epitaphs)
  • making glitter marmalade mouth shirts with hannah
  • watching donnie darko & drinking chardonnay
  • performing outside with hannah, emerging in a bright orange sheet, dancing underneath to astor piazzola, throwing off the sheet and dancing with ribbon streamers to kate bush, people singing along to safety break
  • harry and the potters playing in the house, everybody singing along
  • going to the beach after the show
  • kissin in the ocean at night
  • freestylin down tybee road at night "yo my name trashcan johnson"
  • addison wearing the glitter marmalade mouth crop top, jordan wearing the teal bathmat
  • making a hobo trap out of a cd player tied to a tamborine with string
  • wyatt walking me to get coffee at 7 am before work
  • pony bead bracelets in the park, writey-drawy, marky-mark & fleetwood mac jams
  • getting batteries for my slimline tape player/recorder from dollar tree, mobile music and fun
  • going to my parent's house with a tribe, making pizza, eating as a dysfunctional southern family "I hear henry got hisself a new car, don't know how he payin for it- heard he got a new wife too"
  • walking to the playground, "DIP Can you hear me dip?" longboarding on the tennis courts, walking in the dark with only the sound of the tape player
  • "I have to tell you- I took four hits...and discovered yoga"
  • playing hammers in a circle around a stump in the backyard listening to hank williams
  • swimming in the natural river sourced pool in new york, freezing cold water, hot sun
  • walking up hills and around tree lined paths, picking wineberries
  • recording music with family, piano, off tune screeching, cell phone ring tones
  • playing spacey synth keys with daniel, dubbing in star trek clips with the tape player
  • getting hannah a unicorn figurine and a tin at an antique store for her birthday
  • making a wineberry pie from scratch
  • going to the farmer's market in cold springs, new york bagels, honey mead
  • monastery thrift store- sound camera, cat candle
  • taking the train to new york, staying in an apartment in chelsea
jul 22 2011 ∞
jul 26 2011 +