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night is a hidden world one of sleep without light we evolved for sleep- how did it come to us what were we doing before sleep night was an extension of day a dark dark extension- not a curtain that closed as the sun set, people ate at night or walked at night without regret or fear perhaps fear with animals lurking under bush but we were always alive with no escape, no soft veined curtain to end ...

lisa music (memories)
autobio (my epitaphs)
  • being spun wildly about the dance floor at Salsa night
  • antique window shopping & getting a cheese board w/ Sean
  • swimming with Lisa, Adrianne & Sean
  • filming going away movies with Lisa & Sean
  • having a "slumber party" with Zach, Lily, Lauren & Chris, playing truth or dare, wearing a flowery robe
  • dreaming about little mice in western costumes holding eachother hostage
  • getting film from my trip to Asheville developed
  • starting a new drawing, taped to the wall
  • waking up, drinking white peach tea, listening to mum, biking to a yoga class on a grey day
  • learning scenic world on accordian
  • finally getting my driver's license
  • going to the beach at night during hurricane weather... diatoms glittering all over my legs, shooting stars, black crashing waves
  • a love dream of being held, sweet soft trembles
  • new moon ceremony, blessing the house with smoldering paulo santo
  • making kombucha
  • making curry and thai salad with cooper, anna, krista, and evan
  • holding hands and saying thanks, my brother being truly thankful for the kind folks
  • sitting on the hood of cooper's car, looking at the trees sway and stars glisten
  • marching in the queer march wearing a neon pink leotard, purple tights, lace up boots and tribal face paint, screaming
  • listening to veterans speaking, and an eloquent minister
  • biking to free salsa class on victory in the bright bright sun
  • getting my tires refilled for free
  • late night yoga with candles and incense with krista
  • staying up until 2 am doing homework at lily's, waking up at 6:30, drinking tea, going to an 8 am class, then straight to an 11 am class, then straight to work, then straight to salsa at the mansion, then biking to see matthew's magic tree, then biking to dinner with Anna and Sean, and then sleeping in.
  • going to dinner at Cha Bella's with my mom and several of her co-workers, drinking freshly juiced watermelon
  • seeing a free showing of Alice at the trustees
  • meeting up with Anna and Lily afterwards and going to salsa at saya lounge
  • Krista and Sean building me a surprise birthday sheet and pillow fort in the apartment and baking me a special carrot cake
  • making a fort for lily on her birthday, going to the beach, blowing up balloons
  • feeling tingly again
  • losing my bike key, finding it in the middle of the road far away
  • making delicious kombucha, juicing apples to mix in
aug 27 2010 ∞
oct 22 2010 +