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night is a hidden world one of sleep without light we evolved for sleep- how did it come to us what were we doing before sleep night was an extension of day a dark dark extension- not a curtain that closed as the sun set, people ate at night or walked at night without regret or fear perhaps fear with animals lurking under bush but we were always alive with no escape, no soft veined curtain to end ...

lisa FILM
travel (memorable locations)
listography NEW NEWS
  • Painting lily's room with the windows open, listening to Nina Simone & Billie Holiday records
  • running down river street at 7:30 am, watching the sun on the water
  • Making soup with kale, couscous, lentils, onions, tomatoes, celery, tamari, curry spices, cayenne, etc. with Lily & having a potluck with Matthew, Winston, & Courtney
  • Painting a tv for a film, using oil paints again
  • going on a night bike ride with Matthew and Winston
  • "pascorting" lily to class at montgomery hall after getting coffee and tea at the bean before 8 am
  • walking over bay street bridge with lily
  • picking up copper from the middle of nowhere with toni
  • watching the wind blow the clouds through the window, cuddling
  • screenprinting valentine's day cards with print club
  • playing music at ashram, yoga swing, free organic food & wine
  • making blueberry waffles on a MLK day with tribe, watching rain fall from the porch
  • celebrating my dad's birthday- baking a dark chocolate almond cake, talking to Kathy & family, making kung pao
  • music at 1417- shy violet and gus, jeff, dancing
  • evan visiting from asheville, van full of ashevillains, and athenians
  • face painting
  • a few little perfect kisses
  • cuddling, "do you mind if I put my hand in your pocket? It's just what I need right now"
  • graham's zebra sequin turtleneck with eye holes cut out of it.
  • going to wormsloe plantation, watching the civil war gun demonstrations, beautiful trees
  • "Can I have your address? I'd like to write you letters."
  • swimming in the ocean, so so so cold, my head underwater, lying in the sand and sun
  • sweet potato, avocado, spinach panini.
  • Yoga class with lily at Ashram on round mats
  • seeing "Revenge of the Mule" and "Dim Peepers" at 1417, seeing the Taxpayers at the Wormhole
  • finding the record "Fuck yo couch" at salvation army
  • housing the Taxpayers, making pancakes.
  • driving with Lily to asheville.
  • amazing savings! american flag converse.
  • mustache dance party
  • seeing eric ayotte play, madeline ava, & toby foster play
  • "the bins" goodwill outlet store, clothing $1/lb
  • Rosetta's kitchen, kale & cornbread
  • spur of the moment decision to drive to Athens with Lily, surprising the dream operator folks, dancing
  • seeing the taxpayers on chase street, handmade tropical beiber shirt
  • reclining into heaven in the pillow closet
  • the grit with Ryan and Lily
  • driving back on I-17, scenic route, picking cotton, U-turn weekend 2011.
  • doing dishes back at home, sweeping, homework.
  • getting a letter in the mail from Taylor
  • getting a full moon tattoo
  • going to see Alfredo Jaar's film outside, free hot apple cider
  • Seeing Michael Scoggins' exhibit at the River Club, giant pieces of notebook paper with color pencil & marker drawings
  • making yogurt from scratch.
  • spring cleaning the apt with the windows open
  • lying on the floor listening to last night at the jetty, cuddling
  • getting my driving ticket reduced
  • going to see Dirt! with Chris
  • watching super troopers with Lily & Harry
jan 5 2011 ∞
mar 4 2011 +