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night is a hidden world one of sleep without light we evolved for sleep- how did it come to us what were we doing before sleep night was an extension of day a dark dark extension- not a curtain that closed as the sun set, people ate at night or walked at night without regret or fear perhaps fear with animals lurking under bush but we were always alive with no escape, no soft veined curtain to end ...

lisa music (memories)
autobio (my epitaphs)
  • multigrain biscuit with a poached egg and lox
  • uncooked oats
  • silent dancing at the marta subway station
  • walking to piedmont park
  • huge sky, geometric playground
  • cold air
  • corduroy jacket
  • bizarre conversations
  • 3 am death playground
  • Beach House singing a song with Grizzly Bear
  • shelled hemp seeds
  • band playing for art show
  • two new paintings in 2 days
  • the yogurt tap
  • next quarter's classes- Life Drawing I, Oil-Based Media Exploration, Lithography
  • wearing layers
  • having a vegan potluck
  • having a levelheaded debate against non-vegetarians (and technically winning)
  • buying a pumpkin from the farmers market
  • long lucid dreams
  • doing junk in the trunk art show in october!
  • Developing black and white film from blue springs!
  • auditioning for modeling open call (successfully)
  • running at night
  • making pumpkin, sweet potato, baby corn, and asparagus curry (steam the vegetables first)
  • talking to Scarlett
  • biking in the rain
  • Audition for the casbah monday (4:30)
  • Bought she & him tickets
  • The weather has finally changed!
  • running outside in the freezing cold morning
  • late night yoga class
  • vagabonds playing beautiful music at the open mic
  • getting a letter in the mail
  • climbing into a sightless tunnel made of cardboard and trashbags,getting lost and navigating blindly before finding the hole, and leaving through a cardboard slide (a project created inside someone's house)
oct 7 2009 ∞
oct 24 2009 +