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night is a hidden world one of sleep without light we evolved for sleep- how did it come to us what were we doing before sleep night was an extension of day a dark dark extension- not a curtain that closed as the sun set, people ate at night or walked at night without regret or fear perhaps fear with animals lurking under bush but we were always alive with no escape, no soft veined curtain to end ...

lisa music (memories)
autobio (my epitaphs)
  • Dying Anna's hair purple-red, and painting the town red
  • dancing in Anna's car to Sleepyhead
  • Making vegetable barley soup and green tea for lunch
  • going to Secca after class and dropping my bike off to get a bike basket installed and new handlebar gripping for free
  • going to work to model for the sequential art dept. and ending up not having to do anything but read books for several hours, and getting paid anyway
  • going to a film meeting, cooking, getting free groceries
  • dressing my mom up with Anna in a bright red corduroy dress, black leather jacket, black leggings, and lace up black boots.
  • having the art show
  • the band playing awesome music and everyone dancing in a free-for-all, flailing mass
  • my parents being wonderful and supportive and giving
  • Everyone coming to the show that I had hoped
  • Matthew and Juan giving me a polaroid rollei land camera
  • Dancing with Lisa, Veronica, Addison, William, Graham,Nick, Krista, Sarah, etc. at Corey's house
  • skipping through forsyth park with Addison, William, Lisa and Veronica
  • picking up sticks and using them as swords
  • wearing evergreen branches
  • climbing into the fragrant garden, sitting on the wall
  • taking the ice out of the fountain
  • dancing more
  • getting ice cream from leopold's
  • eating at t-rex mex, splitting an amazing vegetable burrito
  • singing
  • lots of hugs
  • Veronica saying that I "make my own fun" after I tried to see if my feet could go behind my head, and then doing push ups with no explanation or provocation whatsoever...
  • dancing around the apartment by myself at night
  • dressing up as a pirate for illustration modeling
  • going to class at 7 am despite freezing cold, being fine.
  • Krista giving Nick & I an informal extended tour of the Mansion on Forsyth, showing us the paintings & dining area and ball rooms, etc
  • Coming up with sound effects that went with each painting
  • biking on the stage in the park at night
  • planning a dance performance piece with Krista, Clayton, and Nick
  • going to the park and eating pears and celery with peanut butter at night
  • Nick pretending to be a gay piece of celery
  • baking peanut butter banana cupcakes with cinnamon cream cheese frosting
  • planning a music show with Nick and Clayton
  • playing animal noises spin the bottle (ex: the cow goes... (spin) mooooo!)
  • taking Anna out to the tea room, being really nice to the waiter and making his week, him giving us extra concentrated chai, and offering us free marshmallows, leaving him a smiley face
  • watching Hair with Anna and Lisa
  • having a music practice, learning how to play beirut and Arcade Fire songs on accordian
  • having a keyboard, accordian, mountain dulcimer, acoustic/electric guitar, electric guitar, bass, drum, ukelele, and microphones left in my room for future music practices...
  • being in Nikita's film
  • finishing my figure drawing and lithography homework over the weekend
  • going to a free yoga class, getting free tea and carrot/zucchini bread afterwards
  • going to Polk's market
  • going to the Diwali event, dancing an excessive amount
  • biking to the meeting at Adler hall in the very windy night
  • the wind blowing away the clouds
  • making cupcakes with Anna, Rachel, and Ken
  • Ken making scrumptious sushi
  • bringing food to Anna at work
jan 6 2010 ∞
jan 25 2010 +