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night is a hidden world one of sleep without light we evolved for sleep- how did it come to us what were we doing before sleep night was an extension of day a dark dark extension- not a curtain that closed as the sun set, people ate at night or walked at night without regret or fear perhaps fear with animals lurking under bush but we were always alive with no escape, no soft veined curtain to end ...

lisa FILM
travel (memorable locations)
listography NEW NEWS
  • staying in Suzy's room, slanted wooden cieling, handmade quilt with moon and star patches, looks just like the quilt from that children's story..."The Quilt Story"
  • chilly temperature, cool enough to wear sweaters, sunny enough for shorts
  • picking blood oranges, valencia oranges, gala apples, plums, peaches, lemons, granny smith apples, clementines and apricots from the fruit trees that grow so well in Santa Barbara
  • eating at D'Angelos, a local bakery that makes fresh, fresh bread every day
  • running to the beach and back (7 miles)
  • swimming in the cold cold ocean at Henry's beach
  • making carrot dogs on Independence day
  • meditating all the way to sleep
  • Seeing Au Revoir Simone at the Velvet Jones, dancing
  • walking through the dried up creek bed, jumping from rock to rock, picking avocados
jul 6 2010 ∞
oct 22 2010 +