- ✔ Monday- 2 pm class, stay after for printmaking
- ✔ Tuesday- 8 am pmk, 11 am fig drawing, 2 pm model @ boundary, 8 pm meeting
- ✔ practice music
- finish portraits
- ✔ Wednesday- 2 pm class, finish portraits, 7:30 pm Patrick's @ trexmex
- ✔ Thursday- 8 am class, 11 am class, 2 pm model, 5 pm band practice
- Friday- Open call for scad fashion show, 10 am @ Eckberg
- ✔ call vuk
- ✔ pay rent
- ✔ switch crooked frame for straight side
- ✔ paint burnt sienna under ground for painting
- ✔ Saturday- levigate lithography stone, go to animation festival, go to Anderson hall, do observational skeleton sketch
- ✔ Sunday- bike race
feb 1 2010 ∞
feb 7 2011 +