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"i didn't particularly want to live much longer than twenty. life seemed rather daunting. life seemed like too long a time to have to stick around, a huge span of years through which one would require to tap dance and smile and be great and be happy and be amazing. i was tired of my life by the time i was sixteen. i was tired of being too much, too intense. too manic. i was tired of people and i w...

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Real Life

  • "You should use your powers to solve murders." "You mean you want me to play Clue?"
  • "I should have known it was a mistake. I mean, he has dead animals in his room for goodness sake!"
  • "Mardi Gras is like incest for the Carnival Association."
  • "Did you go snorkling while you were there
    ?" "Well, the water was 75 degrees, so, Will, the Japanese tourists, and the Yankees were the only ones who went."
  • "Question. If two werewolves were to mate would their spawn be called a 'cub'?" "..."
  • "OK, I know there's 'vampiress' for a female vampire, but what do you call a child vampire?" "Ooh! How about a 'vamplet'?"


  • "Booth says the Vicodin makes his furniture friendly." - Bones
  • "Maybe I'm so far out of my mind that I've gotten myself all crawled up in yours." - Chuck
  • "Shush! It's the FBI; they're dumb, not deaf." - Chuck
feb 17 2009 ∞
apr 3 2009 +