Numerology: The Meaning of Your First Vowel

  • First Vowel E
    • Characteristic: Need for freedom to celebrate life
    • Description: E’s believe in beauty; they want to bring magic to our planet. They are the detectives and like to uncover the mystery. They are often fascinated by Numerology because of their love of people. If they saw a homeless man, they would want to know his story. Unfortunately for them, since E’s are lights, they often attract ‘bugs!’ E’s might get drained if they take on the wrong people. E’s like to look good, and wants the people around them to look good too. They have a critical eye. The goal of the E is to never have an unexciting moment. They hate to feel trapped or controlled. Free expression is everything to them.


Soul Urge Number (or Heart’s Desire: describes what you feel inside and what makes you smile the most. Not many people will see this quality in you.

    • Soul Number 7: My soul is fulfilled when I can be alone with my thoughts and surrounded by nature’s beauty - the ocean, mountains, and the redwoods; when I found a spiritual base that I can truly believe in.

Numerology: The Day You Were Born

Birth Number: The Day You Were Born reveals how people will perceive you at first glance. It’s an energy that you encounter daily.

  • The 9 Birthday (Born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th)
    • You are perceived as a people person. The world looks to you for advice - strangers ask you for directions. Everyone is quite sure that you can help him or her. You exude confidence that makes people trust in you completely, even with their innermost secrets. You appear as being condescending, and must watch your delivery when communicating. You must establish healthy boundaries with your original family in order to stay happy and at peace.

Which baby are you?

    • Pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Sensitive. Down-to-Earth. Stubborn.

Attitude Number: Your general attitude towards life, and how you appear when people first meet/talk to you

  • The 1 Attitude: This is someone who doesn't like to ask for help. You are completely self-motivated. 1’s have issues with their self-esteem; you just don’t think you’re good enough. That’s why you need praise from others. If people have trust in you, then there’s nothing you can’t achieve; if they don’t you’ll rebel.

Numerology: Life Path 9 - The Humanitarian

The 9 is the most evolved number in Numerology, and is considered one of the strongest because it contains qualities of all other numbers:

  • When you have a strong spiritual base, you’re a wonderful source of light in the world. Indeed, there is a selfless quality to you. Your number is also the highest and ruled by determination. This Life Path has a strong inclination to follow something they believe in, and they will pursue it with tremendous ambition and drive. As a result, there will always be people who are jealous and resentful of you. A suggestion is for you to follow the old saying; “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” You need to be aware of those trying to sabotage your plan, and make an effort to put this kind of person at ease. Some people will see you as condescending and you need to be aware of this fact before you speak.
  • It’s really upsetting for you to work hard for something and then it doesn’t come to fruition. You have an authentic regard for humanity, so a 9’s goal usually serve others as well. When 9’s fail, they feel like they’ve failed the whole world. One of the strongest characteristics of the 9 is that they often have issues with their original family. You may feel unloved or abandoned by your mother or father, or may feel completely responsible for your parents. Either way, your attachment to your original family is hard to give up.
  • As a 9, you do so much and take such good care of everybody’s business that when you’re in trouble, people don’t even notice. People look at a 9 and think: “Oh, s/he’s so strong, he doesn’t need my help.” Let your guard down a bit more, to ask for a hug or kiss when you need one. You’re not a Life Path that’s easily read by others - you have to ask.
  • The 9’s don’t need to be the center of attention, but people put them there anyway. If you were standing in a department store, people would assume that you work there. If you walk into a classroom, people ask, “Are you the teacher?” They just assume that the 9 is in charge, and that’s why you should be in charge - because you don’t abuse the privilege. You are not rude to those who are under your authority. No matter what you set your mind to, or whether you’ve done it before, you’ll manage to pull it off. Things just seem to work out for you. Ironically, the 9 Life Paths are the ones who don’t see this! You’re very hard on yourself, and even if you do a good job, you will beat yourself up for it if it wasn’t perfect. You need to lighten up and forgive yourself for being human.
  • There is, on the other hand, a really intimidating quality to the 9. Sometimes people will be jealous of or competitive with you, yet you compete with no one. You’re simply doing the best you can. It’s best when you put them at ease. It’s as simple as saying, “Hey, I like your new haircut.” these simple words will disarm people who would otherwise see the 9 as an enemy.
  • The 9 if often accused of being patronizing: You may not think that they know everything, but others view you as feeling that way. This breeds resentment and competition in those around the 9. It’s a hard lesson to learn, but 9’s must understand that on some subconscious level, people can feel the 9 is a higher vibration. You must remind yourself, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
  • The most important piece of advice for the 9 Life Paths is to take care not to live in the past. When you get into the moment, you can make a positive difference in this world - and that, after all, is what the 9 is here to do.

Common Occupations:

  • If you do something good, people follow. If you do something bad, people will also follow. 9’s make amazing teachers, school counselors, and therapists. You’re really good with children, and children tend to love you. 9’s make excellent doctors, nurses, and social workers. 9’s also do well in creative fields as lecturers, artists, illustrators, and writers, and perform as musicians and actors.

A healthy 9 has compassion for others and is a dynamic leader:

  • The 9 Life Path can stay stuck in their past, talking about what their mother or father did wrong. There were many 9’s who were adopted, or have lost a parent at an early age. They have a hard time letting go of the past. Because they’re so busy taking care of everybody, they wind up feeling that no one cares about them. The miss the fact that people do love them and want to help if they would just let them.

Try this affirmation: “I joyfully release all of the past and let only love surround me.”

Famous Humanitarians: These are people who’ve been through everything & have a passion to teach and serve humanity.

  • Ghandi
  • Bob Marley
  • Elvis Presley
  • Morgan Freeman
  • Tyra Banks
  • Chuck Norris
  • Harrison Ford
  • Jim Carry
  • Adele
  • Kurt Cobain
  • Criss Angel
  • Cher
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