- one / going to the movies with all my friends, laying around and watching disney movies all day while kevin smoked hookah, making homemade hamburger helper out of the only things christian had in his fridge, getting to bed relatively early, sharing one glove with christian while we held our other hands together inside his coat
- two / finally having fresh laundry, feeling productive because i did weird website work all day, setting up my easel
- three / getting terribly artificial caramel apples + pizza from 711 to eat something for the first time in a few days that didn't make me feel sick, making lists on lists on lists, getting great feedback from my boss on the website i was working on for him, watching nearly an entire season of doctor who with aryn
- four / doing nothing all day, sleeping in, getting milkshakes and fried pickles from andersons with aryn, going to what i thought was a casual bar that turned out to be a crazy neon club with all my friends inside
- five / stuffed crust pizza for the first time in forever, playing pretend at the park, lightsaber fights with sticks followed by bowing to our admiring audience of passing cars, conquering the fountain of youth, escaping from playground prison, explicit drawings in the snow + making snow angels, swingsets + slides, running away from our prison guards and almost getting run over by a bicyclist who accidentally got in the middle of our game, hiding behind trees, reaching the top of the hill breathlessly and nearly slipping but he caught me
- six / taking a mental health day and laying in aryn's bed all day, being within walking distance of the co op even though it was the middle of the blizzard, finding a delicious baked potato soup recipe + then having thick hot chocolate for dessert
- seven / free lunch at work, getting to claim sick and go to bed immediately after work, driving to work in the crazy blizzard which was oddly exciting
- eight /
- nine / finally finding the motivation to study for the gre, remembering more math than i thought i would, late afternoon meetings at the bar, super busy workday that kept me distracted and happily productive, eating an entire delicious sub at lunch with dad, getting homemade grilled cheese from janine
- ten / skipping work happy hour to go home early, figuring out how to make a scrolling image on the website i'm building, getting cocktails in the city with my family (martinis!), delicious pizza at a tiny italian restaurant, going to sleep extra early on a friday, birthday brainstorming
- eleven / seeing wolf of wall street, even though it was awkward with my family, amazing caesar salad from wegmans, morning runs with my dad, working on the puzzle while smelling the delicious smells of dinner, seeing miguel, arriving in buffalo to smiles, drinking whiskey sours and talking about ridiculous things at small table full of people in the corner, drunk yoga with christian in the attic, talking about trust and sitting close to each other, cuddling while sleeping, watching him eat eggs and bacon at 3am
- twelve / watching the golden globes with my family, finishing the game of thrones puzzle, nutritious and filling minestrone soup, salads and hummus with katie, aryn and britt, coffee and mini red velvet cupcakes, talking at the bakery until they closed, deep conversations with christian in the attic, morning chess games and smoothies, waking up super early and cuddling all morning, his hand on my face stroking my hair, talking about cereal and nuzzling and laughing, trying to sit up together without using our feet, kisisng him fiercely on my way out
- thirteen / finally taking care of my ticket and feeling accomplished/relieved, running late night errands for african black soap (!)
- fourteen / long baths after work followed by short yoga, organizing my notebooks for the impending move, compiling recipes i forgot i had in the back of my closet
- fifteen / talking to damion in the morning
- sixteen / going to the gym and feeling really great after, meeting christian and kyle in niagara falls because my plans got cancelled, eating pancakes that taste like delicious cinnamon rolls, stopping at the rez for aryn, playing "will you press the button" with christian and learning more about him, his interest in learning more about me, smiling so much my face hurt
- seventeen / doing yoga with christian before hanging out with people, kevin bringing us tons of mcdonalds, playing cards against humanity and laughing so hard my face hurt
- eighteen / everyone getting along for the case race, hanging out with christian and aryn while getting ready, sleeping in and then smoking with kyle while we talked about shit, christian coming home from work and making me breakfast, eating a hot pocket for the first time in forever
- nineteen / getting mighty taco in the morning and eating it under blankets on the couch, playing cards against humanity again, making lasagne, amazing sex with christian, bumming around all day, finishing a book, not feeling super hungover, talking about nice things with christian and him giving me compliments, christian sitting with me while i shower and playing music for me
- twenty / christian packing me lasagna for lunch, waking up and not being super moody, pretty snow
- twentyone / going to the gym, feeling really heard at work during our team meeting
- twentytwo / getting a really good workout in, eating in the living room with dan and sandy after sandy's surgery
- twentythree / productive shared drive discussion, happy hour where i ate really delicious hummus, going to the gym, making tons of cinnamon rolls
- twentyfour / house party with lots of kinky, making out on the couch for a really long time, flip cup games, being super drunk and christian and i pretending we were strangers, doing frustrating web work but finally getting the answer
- twentyfive / ice skating with christian and holding hands, making steak and potatoes at 1130pm, waking up early enough to go to the store to get cleaning supplies for the vomit in christian's bed, doing laundry so we got to sleep on fresh sheets
- twentysix / napping, marathon sex for hours all over christian's room, indian food for lunch with aryn then going consignment window shopping, making loaded tater tots with christian, "it's gonna be meat", christian coming with me to help aryn clean her apartment, cheering him up when he was sad, him talking to me about what was wrong because he wants to get better at talking about things, talking before bed, birthday planning
- twentyseven / very sunny (finally), christian asking me to stay in the morning
- twentyeight /
- twentynine /
- thirty / rocking the gre, having a nice dinner with dad, janine, dan and sandy with wine and finishing all my laundry
- thirtyone / getting up early and going to the gym, hanging out just me and the boys, going to a house party that felt exactly like college, having a feminist conversation with christian
jan 7 2014 ∞
jun 23 2014 +