user image

"Hell, I'll kill a man in a fair fight... or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight, or if he bothers me, or if there's a woman, or if I'm gettin' paid - mostly only when I'm gettin' paid." - Jayne, Firefly

"I am like a being thrown from another planet on this dark terrestrial ball, an alien, a pilgrim among its possessors." - Thomas Carlyle

gideon autobio (year 30)
a ~ notes (favourites 2024)
travel (current daydreams)
wishlist (random stuff)
notes (life list)
  • Moorish Mint ginger, peppermint, licorice, fennel, cardamom, black pepper, clove, green tea
  • Hibiscus Bliss rooibos, lemongrass, hibiscus, rose hips, licorice, pineapple, passionfruit
    • a rainbow of flavor, vivid and wild. Tangy. Driping tropical wildflower growth. Do not oversteep - turns to cough syrup
  • Turmeric Spice ginger, turmeric, lemongrass, lemon oil, licorice, orange peel
    • challenge your mouth! drinking as a dare. not for the faint of heart. spicy, lip biting, fierce. surprisingly sweet, throat soothing; starts intense, stays intense. Sweetness dissipates over brew time, overpowered by spice.
  • Chamomile Melange chamomile, lemon myrtle, lemongrass, spearmint
    • as it steep, medicinal tincture flavor be...
dec 8 2014 ∞
may 11 2019 +
  • Holland: AIRS
    • don't even go near these: EC

Career Path Evaluations

  • Physician
    • MAPP:
    • Holland:
    • Est. Cost of school:
    • Time on top of B.S.:
    • Projected Job growth:
    • Salary notes:
    • Geography of Hiring:
    • Animal testing?
    • Who hires you? What sort of companies?
  • Veterinarian
    • MAPP:
    • Holland:
    • Est. Cost of school:
oct 20 2014 ∞
oct 20 2014 +
  • Black market bioengineers. Most of them have day jobs, like drug dealers, but a handful of them sustain themselves just off of unlocking and locking devices - tracking devices, nanotech, removal of body mods, etc.
    • Microchip surgeons - put them in, take them out.
      • legally, or illegally.
      • want to microchip someone personally, because you can't hack the gov't network and find out where they're at? there are nanobots that will enter them orally or through any of their body cavities. You just need to sync them with a receiver.
    • Body mods - for the illegal sex market. Not always done on the willing.
  • Corner market clerks
sep 6 2014 ∞
jan 2 2015 +

Engaging, entertaining/thought-provoking, thoroughly well-done Watch at least once..


  • Rec - handheld horror mockumentary, Blaire Witch style, but better executed
  • The Lost Boys - good ol' times, light and entertaining
  • The Craft - quite dark and disturbing, surprisingly
  • Heavenly Creatures - maybe not quite a horror, but definitely disturbing.
  • Final Destination - (haha, yeah, it's awesome)
  • The Girl - behind the scenes with crazy Alfred Hitchcock
  • Ginger Snaps - light and amusing
  • The Black Swan - quite dark and twisty

Action (Thriller)

  • Gravity - not a loud, action-packed thriller, but a slow, creepy, dead-of-space th...
jul 16 2014 ∞
dec 8 2014 +
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jun 11 2014 ∞
jan 2 2015 +


  • fun building blocks
  • space mobile

Toddler through young'un

  • make paper dolls
  • make a circuit
  • make home made jello in fun moulds
  • make home made gummy bears in fun moulds
  • sculpt & make our own custom moulds for healthy candies
  • build a robot
  • build an AI chatbot
  • watch birds
  • read books together
  • make picture books & comic books
  • play story improv games, take turns telling stories
  • assess people's spirit animals
  • build a birdhouse
  • sculpt with clay & bake in kiln - make ou...
mar 20 2014 ∞
feb 24 2022 +
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  • Woon Kim
    • Location: Seoul, Korea
    • Style: Portrait
    • Website
  • Sneaky Mitch Allenden
    • Location: Touring, based out of Leeds, UK
    • Style: Surreal Traditional (bold line, bright color, weird concepts)
    • Website
  • Placaso
    • Location: Santa Ana, Calif.
    • Style: Portrait
    • Website
  • JK5
    • Location: New York
    • Style: New School/Lettering
mar 13 2014 ∞
sep 15 2014 +

Wii Tragedy

  • nonlinear RPG which steadily builds climax toward a tragic ending. Game play is based on prolonging the inevitable tragedy of life by keeping characters alive as long as possible. There is no winning, only staving off defeat (in terms of gameplay hours - of which you are informed by an ever-ticking mortality clock in the corner).
  • obstacles include having obligations that call you away from other protagonists, unavoidably separating you. Every separation is a key opportunity for other protagonists to be killed/die, outside of the reach of your protection from the elements.
  • the AI of protagonist NPCs dictates that they will make poor life choices, in spite of being loveable characters with which you are charged, resulting in their expe...
jan 9 2014 ∞
may 28 2016 +

As Soon as I Get the New Computer

  • Create character models in Poser, ZBrush, Mudbox or 3DSMax/Maya.
  • Design wardrobe for each character in each century.

Design Mods

  • Sci fi tech
  • War paint
  • Holograms
  • Alien tech
  • Bunkers
  • Weapons
  • Bicycles
  • Graffiti
  • Interactive robots (repair/upgrade)
  • Post apocalyptic fashion


  • Harvey Keitel wrinkles
mar 28 2013 ∞
aug 19 2016 +
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  • Luise Blue marble
  • Orange Onyx
  • Emperador Light H. Marble
  • Sheffield Onyx
  • iceland spar calcite
  • Citrine
  • topaz
sep 24 2012 ∞
feb 5 2015 +
  • ya’aburnee, of Arabic origin, meaning “you bury me”. It is used to express the hope that one will die before another person as it would be difficult to live without them.
  • saudade, of Portuguese origin, referring to the feeling of longing for someone or something loved, but also lost.
  • mamihlapinatapai, Yagan (of Tierra del Fuego), used to describe the wordless, yet meaningful look shared by two people who both desire to initiate something but are both reluctant to start.
  • cafuné, Brazilian Portuguese, tenderly running your fingers through someone’s hair.
  • wabi-sabi, Japanese. “A way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay.”
oct 12 2011 ∞
may 4 2012 +
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  • “Amor vincit omnia.” Love conquers all things.
  • "Labor omnia vincit." Work conquers all things.
  • "Déxate llevar pol neñu que fuisti." Asturian proverb; Trans. "Let yourself be guided by the child you were."
  • "No pain, no gain."
  • "A la naturaleza dánse-y ordes solo cuando se-y obedez." Asturian proverb; trans. "Nature is commanded by obeying her."
  • "Truth lies in the paradox."
  • "He who guards his lips guards his soul" Proverbs 13:3
  • "Expect the worst, hope for the best."
  • "If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies you willnot find another." Sagan
  • "Verite soyez magarde." Truth be my protection.
  • "Debemos lluchar pola paz con instrumento...
nov 8 2008 ∞
nov 11 2010 +

Yet To Try - Immediately

  • 4160 Tuesdays - The Dark Heart of Old Havana
    • caramel/orange/bergamot
    • coffee/tonka/jasmine
    • tobacco/musk/vanilla
    • IndieScents, Uncommon Finds
  • Venetian Master Perfumer - Granverde
    • bergamot, lemon, geranium leaves, orange, Siberian pine
    • basil, coriander, thyme, lavender, sage
    • vetiver, sandalwood, patchouli, black pepper
  • Atkinsons - Posh on the Green
    • coriander/petitgrain
    • galbanum/geranium
    • vetiver/cedarwood
    • Harrods, Selfridges)
jan 19 2018 ∞
may 11 2019 +
  • cartridge boxes
  • hunting pouches
  • powder horns
  • bayonet & bayonet carrier (carriage sling of webbing or leather, or a belt frog)
  • tomahawk & tomahawk carrier
  • tricorn
  • canteen, suspended with leather straps and stopped with a brewer's pitch
  • haversack, knapsack
  • a fork, a knife, horn spoon, a tin cup, tin plate, wood bowl, pocket knife
  • fingerless gloves are good for ranged weapons
sep 1 2014 ∞
jan 2 2015 +
  • Microchip tracking device to locate lost children, pets, spouse, car keys, vehicle, souls and sense of purpose
  • Space candy (addictive). 0 calories. Some people spend up to $500/month (adjusted for inflation) on this item.
  • Industrial shrapnel. You never you'll need to throw together a deadly IED. For birthday parties, IEDs filled with candy. It's the pinata of the future.
  • Hair swatches for android/sex bot design. Many people find the intimacy of sex to be too crude to be done "publicly" with a peer, so it's conducted with robots and discreet professionals (hookers).
  • Jams. Music. Tunes. Want a sound track? Get one installed. Some cities have noise pollution legislation and quiet hours. Please rock on responsibly.
  • Lights in case of black outs.
  • Tiny pocket pets to amuse you in your spa...
aug 29 2014 ∞
aug 31 2014 +
may 6 2014 ∞
dec 8 2014 +
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  • What are the most and least prevalent intelligences of Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences tests - 1. universally, 2. by region (country, state, city), 3. by gender?
  • Ontological design
  • Antoine Artaud
  • How to improve focus
    • Experiment, sure, but don't abandon the experiment midway or you'll never attain pure results
      • PURE RESULTS?!?! bahahahahahaha fine, live in a clean room, bitches!
  • How to efficiently make decisions
  • How to learn more efficiently and better retain information
  • Climate effects on personal psychology - in terms of long-term residence
dec 3 2013 ∞
apr 7 2015 +
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  • Bastet
  • Anubis
  • Crowboy
  • Kittyboy
  • Goldfinch
  • Vulture Man
  • Kali
  • Ganesh & stoner mouse buddy
apr 8 2014 ∞
jul 8 2014 +
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Get These Skills

  • Become proficient in Javascript
  • Improve soldering w/ plumber's torch.
  • Improve sewing & pattern making skills.
  • Fix the sewing machine, set up a table, sew plushies
  • Acquire acetelyn jeweler's torch & drill press to finish pendants
  • Carve new moulds
  • Resin casting of action figures
  • Make custom dolls/action figures
  • Learn to use a CNC router. Handy for the shop.
  • Learn to use a laser cutter. Handy for the shop.
  • Learn to build circuitboards (w/ soldering iron).
  • Improve MIG welding skills. To hell with Arc welding.
  • Get some chops in engineering.
  • Learn to test water & soil samples.
mar 20 2014 ∞
may 11 2019 +

Civilized Discourse Among the nouveau riche

  • "Oh that's fun! Isn't that fu-uh-un?!" / "We have a lot of fun."
  • I just like to play. / I'll play with it. / I played with it a little bit.
  • the healing process
  • "How cute is that????"
  • "That would be me!"
  • "Lover of Starbuuucks [vocal fry exhibited here]-- Guilty as charged!"
  • "I love love love loooove that"
  • "I was devastated. It would have destroyed me." (and other self-aggrandizing melodramatic statements in relation to trivial happenings in a suburban life)
  • it's been a[n emotional] journey
  • I got the chance to connect with him.
  • So, yeah, you're not the first person to ask that and the answer is, "We don't know."
mar 2 2014 ∞
jul 11 2015 +

Unos Subjetos

  • la sangre - blood
  • la espada - sword
  • la daga - dagger
  • el cuchillo

Unos Verbos

  • encarnar - incarnate

Unos Adjs

  • severo - grim
  • macabro
  • horrible
  • adusto - grim, gaunt, forbidding
  • ceñudo - frowning, scowling, grim
  • porfiado - obstinate, opinionated, grim, adamant
  • encarnizado - bitter, bloody, cutthroat, sharp, grim
  • malísimo - lousy, rotten, dreadful, wicked
feb 18 2014 ∞
mar 4 2014 +


  • Calculus I
  • Calculus II
  • Probability and Statistics with Computing
  • Linear Algebra
  • General Physics with Calculus I & L
  • General Physics with Calculus II & L
  • Intro to C++
  • OH50 Intro to Environmental Horticulture
  • OH63 Soils
  • OH65 Plant Propagation
  • OH75 Pest Management
  • ART 180A Beginning Jewelry/Metal Arts
  • FASH 71 Apparel Art (fashion detailing techniques)
  • MMSP 140 Flash Essentials
  • MMSP 145 Storyboarding & Storytelling
  • MMSP 146 Animation with Flash
  • MMSP 147 Animation with 3D Studio Max
  • for the complete certificate:
jan 5 2014 ∞
jan 6 2014 +

Courtesy of this article [] and this article []

  • Teach animals to be learned from wildlife & plants - how they survive & adapt. Ask them to reflect on these things, study each, report back with what they've learned from their observations.
  • Nightly, bring up a topic for debate and ask everyone to form an opinion and take a side on the matter, arguing it concisely (with a timer).
  • Read Edward Gorey poems
  • Read "The Real Mother Goose"
  • Teach them not to blabber about sensitive subjects with acquaintances and strangers

General Opportunities that should arise

  • Climb a tree
  • Roll down a really big hill
  • Camp out in the wild
  • Build a den
dec 11 2013 ∞
jul 2 2018 +


  • Kayo Books - post/leavenworth
  • San Francisco Flower & Garden Show - march
  • Street Performers Festival - march, pier 39
  • Bustamante Antiques Show and Sale - april
  • Cambodian New Year Festival - april
  • Sidewalk Arts and Crafts Show - april
  • International Lao New Year Festival (ILNYF) - april
  • Union Street (Eco-Urban) Festival - june
  • Haight Street Fair - june
  • Pride - last sunday in june
  • ArtworkSF Caf� Show -july
  • Japantown Anime Faire - september
  • Cordon Bleu Vietnames on Polk/Larkin
  • Nick's Crispy Tacos/Rouge on Polk/Broadway ($2 taco tuesday, morning mimosas))
  • Red Chili on 522 Jones St - Nepalese
nov 28 2013 ∞
jun 30 2014 +

Products to Create

  • Short story anthology
    • Keep writing every day.
  • Animated sprites for gaming
  • Totem animal Emoticon set
  • Finished tattoo designs
  • Custom doll designs
  • Packaging for gifts
  • Cards (for friends & family)
    • Wedding announcements
    • Thank you cards
    • Birthday cards


  • Sewing
    • Take Fashion Construction course.
    • Design toddler clothes prototypes in Sims
mar 28 2013 ∞
mar 28 2013 +
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it's been called "an international emporium of the panoply of gustatory sensation..."

To Make

Soups (bowl or cup)

  • Garden Tomato
    • "A refreshing blend of tomato puree, freshly plucked basil and coal-roasted red pepper"
  • Belle of Paris French Onion Soup (vegan-style, if requested)
    • "She made all the boys cry at her debutante ball, but if you're crying, it'll be tears of joy."
  • Little Tokyo Miso Soup
apr 10 2010 ∞
may 11 2019 +

A la The Overrated List[].

  • "How are you?" when no one sticks around to listen
  • ACDC
  • Antiheroes
  • Being drunk (not to be confused with drinking)
  • Bros before 'ho's
  • Careers
  • Celebrities
  • Cellphones
  • Chicks before dicks
  • CGI in films
  • College parties
  • Concerts
  • Convenience
  • Counseling & Psychoanalysis
  • Cruel humor toward the innocent
  • Dating
  • Doing what's right for you, no matter who it hurts, because you only live once and...
apr 6 2010 ∞
may 11 2019 +
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  • "Fresh spring! / The world is only Nine days old - / These fields and mountains!" ~Matsuo Basho
  • "A little girl under a peach tree, / Whose blossoms fall into the entrails / Of the earth." ~Matsuo Basho
  • "I felt quite at home, / As if it were mine sleeping lazily / In this house of fresh air." ~Matsuo Basho
  • "Octopus traps - / summer’s moonspun dreams, / soon ended." ~Matsuo Basho
  • "A thicket of summer grass / Is all that remains / Of the dreams of ancient warriors." ~Matsuo Basho
  • "Petal by petal / yellow mountain roses fall— / sound of rapids." (I thought it said 'rapists', and I rather fancy that better...) ~Matsuo Basho
  • "Wake, butterfly - / It's late, we've miles / To go together." ~Matsuo Basho
  • "Come out to view / the truth of flowers ...
nov 8 2008 ∞
nov 11 2010 +
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  • “Banish uncertainty. Affirm strength. Hold resolve. Expect death.”
  • "Before emptying there must be fullness. Before shrinking there must be expanding Before falling, there must be ascent. To destroy something, lead to its extreme. To preserve something, keep to the middle*"
  • “Worry is an addiction that interferes with compassion.”
  • “Though others have faults, concentrate on your own.”
  • “Express yourself: That is meaning.”
  • “Privately accumulate extraordinary knowledge and skill, but keep a plain appearance.”
  • “Passion is but a prelude to years of gradual unfolding.”
  • “Why yearn for a promised land? The true land is in the heart.”
  • “Life acquires meaning when we face the...
nov 8 2008 ∞
jul 8 2014 +
  • The unflagging popularity of the new Disney movies even though they are OBVIOUSLY made out of cynical corporate formulas rather than any heart, imagination or love of the craft. How does no one seem to see it? How do they get the ratings they do on IMDB, or the comments on their trailers on Youtube? Is the whole internet a lie or are people really going to see these things and enjoying them?
  • The "You're good enough just the way you are" atttitude. No, you aren't! Evolution didn't just dust its hands off at the end of the day, with the arrogance to say, "Yeah, this is pretty much perfect. Solved it! And humans? Oh. Yeah, def the best part. Total masterpiece!" How is anyone buying this wish-thinking tripe? Are people just in such deep despair and terror of the world that they'll cling to any flavor of snake oil peddaled their way?
jul 10 2021 ∞
jul 11 2021 +
  • agitated, stilted breathing; tightening chest
    • coupled with tingling numbness and burning of extremities - fingertips, toes, legs, hands.
  • general fatigue
  • cold causes aches in the bones, humidity improves the situation, the tropics are preferable
  • mental fatigue, dizziness, headaches/migraines
  • lack of motor control, muscle spasms, kinetic Turrets
  • persistent odor of chemical fumes, independent of location
  • intermittent sleep, chronic insomnia
  • rash that feels as though something is crawling on you
  • anxiety which causes fainting
  • persistent low-grade nausea
dec 8 2014 ∞
jan 2 2015 +
  • CiteSeerx ( CiteSeerx is a digital library and an online academic journal that offer information within the field of computer science. It indexes academic resources through autonomous citation indexing system. This academic database is particularly helpful for students seeking information on computer and information sciences. It offers many other exclusive features to facilitate the students with the research process that include: ACI – Autonomous Citation Indexing, reference linking, citation statistics, automatic metadata extraction and related documents. Founded in 1998, it is the first online academic database and has since evolved into a more dynamic and user-friendly academic search engine.
  • GetCITED ( GetCITED is another powerful tool for searching scientific information. It is an online academic database that indexes a...
nov 3 2014 ∞
may 11 2019 +

The Exegis : Philip K Dick

  • "I am a sharp-eyed crow, spying anything that twinkles and grabbing add to my heap."

The Great Gatsby

  • when I’d shouted “hello.” several times in vain, an argument broke out behind a partition, and presently a lovely Jewess appeared at an interior door and scrutinized me with black hostile eyes.
  • and the adventitious authority of his voice set the key for the newspaper reports next morning.
  • Throwing open the French windows of the drawing-room, we sat smoking out into the darkness.
  • he must have felt that he had lost the old warm world, paid a high price for living too long with a single dream. He must have looked up at an unfamiliar sky throug...
oct 6 2014 ∞
jan 1 2015 +

Suppose for a hopeful second that reincarnation were legit, then this is probably the cheerful legacy of my soul

  • Scaly prehistoric sea predator
  • Some kind of giant corvid or vulture
  • Some kind of poisonous tree
  • Desert-dwelling Alien prostitute
  • "The Bean-Sidhe Years"
    • drifting through space screaming, warning of death
  • a white raven
  • Some hulking guy with swords who was strangled by smoke and died in a fire
  • Me, a frail nerd with weak lungs of German descent

Hopes for the future

  • cat?
sep 16 2014 ∞
jan 2 2015 +
  • Environmental concept sketches
  • Environmental concepts shown in each season/weather condition
  • Props for NB ()
  • Props for TCED (illustrative, sedate, painterly)
  • Style variations for NB - renderings of a character in various styles
  • Wardrobe meme for characters from NB - colorful cartoon vector
  • Graphic novel pages rendered in vector for NB
    • which means, quick - write a story or a funny comic pertaining to the NB - or relate a funny anecdote in sci-fi graphic novel adaptation - don't screw around with months of plot development, you gotta knock this out fast and make it cute
  • Creatures for NB - vector
  • Vehicles for NB (ships) - vector
sep 1 2014 ∞
jan 2 2015 +

They all live inside of you but must one day take life outside of you in order to become anything at all

  • when in doubt, approach as surreal, erotic, derisive satire of the inane and mundane. Consider who they would be in the immediate contemporary context, as though they were friends/coworkers - determine their subculture and habits in the society you know and then superimpose it onto a dystopian future and see where the chips fall


  • Human base:
    • Thin square fingers that bother her, because they're still just farmers hands, descended from farmers. (Long palm, long fingers, like a monkey.) Cold hands.
    • short tidy nails
aug 4 2014 ∞
jan 2 2015 +
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  • "Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun." - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  • “Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.” - Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone
  • "I lingered round them, under that benign sky; watched the moths fluttering among the heath, and hare-bells; listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass; and wondered how anyone could ever imagine unquiet slumbers, for the sleepers in that quiet earth." - Wuthering Heights
  • "'When the day shall come, that we do part,' he said softly, and turned to look at me, 'if my last words are not ‘I love you’ – ye’ll ken it was because I d...
jul 8 2014 ∞
jul 8 2014 +
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  • "To start: “I Really Like You” doesn’t “really” do it for me. I’ve considered it with Zapruder-like precision. The first “really” is catchy. The second “really” is endearing. The third—here’s where I’ve slowed the playback by half—”really” is dicey. Right as the candy-coated harmonies set me afloat, the lizard part of my brain goes “Nope” during the chorus and brings everything back to earth. Obviously, a lot of people hear “unaffected ebullience” where I hear “Kidz Bop-ready syntax.” It’s polarizing, and a testament to the visceral, lizard brain reactions that pop inspires." - Jeremy Gordon
  • "Even trifles like 'I Really Like You' [an inane pop song] can chip away at the subtle infrastructure that shapes how we think and react." - Jamieson Cox
  • You know, if you're that beginner in the ...
may 14 2014 ∞
apr 19 2015 +

Algunas Frases

  • sin tener que (inf) - without having to (verb) .
  • tener que (inf) - must (verb)
  • vez de - rather than, versus
  • a frente de - in front of
  • a frente - at the front
  • asi que - so that
  • puede (inf) - might (verb) (i.e. "puede ser" - "might be")
  • ¿has visto __? - have you seen __?
  • Parece que _ ... - it seems that.
  • {Me} parece que _ ... - {I} find that _ ...
  • ¿Que hay? - what's going on?
  • ¿Que tal?
  • ¿Como esta Ud?
  • Es la una {y...} // Son las (el numero) {y...}
  • tiener calor, miedo, frio,
  • ¡Él es hábil! o ¡Es lo hábil! - it is working!
  • ¡Lo hábil! - how clever!
  • con quererte - with love
mar 12 2014 ∞
mar 12 2014 +
  • Devoured by a leopluredon while swimming in the ocean, or walking along the beach. 3x the size of the avg. man, stupid floppy flippers, and 2-3 rows of sharp, prickly teeth. Ok, I might've made up the teeth-rows bit.
  • kidnapped by a serial killer & starved to death in a black box.
  • infected cat scratch
  • complications of infected bite from a spoiled toddler
  • sepuku (not to be confused with its equally lethal cousin, sudoku)
  • serial killer
  • Shakespeared! (TGS reference)
  • eaten by worms
  • dissolved in acid
  • poisoned by the bite of a deadly venomous beast
feb 19 2014 ∞
jan 2 2015 +
  • list of skills (why would anyone hire him/her? is s/he good at his/her job?)
  • funny, nonsequiter portraits
  • animate doing what?
  • appearance?
    • i.e. describe type of butt
    • describe arms
    • describe hands
    • describe skin texture
    • describe scents
    • sound of voice
    • describe associated colors
    • spirit animal(s)
    • how do they feel about their own looks?

when in doubt, approach as surreal, erotic, derisive satire of the inane and mundane

The name, notes about hints/foreshadowing/easter eggs which arise and remain unresolved or require further development (i.e...

jan 2 2014 ∞
may 11 2019 +
  • DJ Hidden
  • Franz Waxman
  • Architect
  • Stereolab
  • Aphex Twin
  • Squarepusher
  • Ulrich Schnauss
  • The Cramps
  • Oingo Boingo
  • My Bloody Valentine
  • Elite Gymnasitcs
  • Apparat & Ellen Allien
  • Boards of Canada
  • Deerhoof
  • In Flames
  • Apoptygma Berzerk
  • Meat Puppets
  • Blackfilm
  • Cut Chemist
  • Velvet Acid Christ
  • Yann Tiersen
dec 3 2013 ∞
may 11 2019 +
  • Baby powder
  • Banana
  • Beer
  • Bleach
  • cat food
  • Cheese
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • cotton candy
  • Crayons
  • dates
  • ginger
  • honeysuckle
  • sandalwood
  • ginseng
  • sage
  • patchouli
  • lavender
  • anise
  • bergamot
  • black pepper
nov 6 2013 ∞
jan 2 2015 +
  • The Intelligent Homosexual's Guide to Capitalism
  • Wicked
  • Thoroughly Modern Millie
  • Into the Woods
  • Anything Goes
  • Seminar (Martin, Kate)
  • God of Carnage
  • Book of Mormon
mar 18 2013 ∞
jan 1 2014 +
  • acersecomic: a person whose hair has never been cut
  • adventitious
  • ageusia: the absence of the sense of taste
  • ambeer: the juice that forms in the mouth as a result of chewing tobacco
  • Amorphous: indefinite, shapeless
  • anathema - something dedicated to evil and thus accursed
  • anosmia: the absence of the sense of smell
  • anthroparion - little guy
  • aspe
  • avaricious
  • Beguile: deceive
  • biblioclasm: the practice of destroying, often ceremoniously, books or other written material or media
  • cacodemonomania: the pathological belief that one is inhabited by an evil spirit
nov 15 2012 ∞
may 28 2016 +
  • Apricot buttercream
  • Rum Raisin
  • Black/Red Currant
  • Key lime
  • Amaretto
jul 4 2012 ∞
jan 1 2014 +

You better play this at my funeral...

  • Ma Baker : Boney M
  • She Belongs to Me : Bob Dylan
  • Dream a Little Dream of Me : The Mamas & the Papas
  • Sweet Bird : West Virginia Night Owls
  • Dust In the Wind : Kansas
  • Carry On My Wayward Son : Kansas
  • All Along the Watchtower : Jimi Hendrix
  • Love Cats : The Cure
  • Bela Lugosi's Dead : Bauhaus (if you love me, you'll do this)
  • Seasons in the Sun...Terry Jacks version, unless there's a better one between then and now
  • Elegy for the Brave : William Shatner
  • Disorder : Joy Division
  • Shadowplay : Joy Division
  • Everybody's Talkin' : Harry Nilson
  • Wanderlust : Flogging Molly
  • Big Rock Candy Mountain : Harry McClintoc...
mar 6 2012 ∞
may 11 2019 +

Become Fluent

  • Spanish (become fluent, improve spelling & grammar!)
  • French (brush up)
  • Japanese (brush up, improve kanji)

Learn Conversationally

  • Russian (maybe become fluent)
  • German (maybe become fluent)
  • Swedish (maybe become fluent)
  • Chinese - Mandarin (maybe become fluent)
  • Arabic (learn to write)
  • Vietnamese (learn to write)
  • Irish / Gaelic
sep 21 2011 ∞
jul 8 2014 +
  • Lewis Caroll
    • Come to my arms, my beamish boy! / He chortled in his joy
  • E.E. Cummings
    • i carry your heart with me(i carry it in / my heart)i am never without it(anywhere / i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done / by only me is your doing,my darling) / i fear / no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want / no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true) / and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant / and whatever a sun will always sing is you
  • T.S. Eliot
    • Let us go then, you and I / When the stars are spread out against the sky / Like a patient etherized upon a table...
  • Charles Bukowski
apr 9 2011 ∞
oct 8 2012 +

For all the love songs that go overboard...

  • To Know Him Is To Love Him : Teddy Bears (1)
  • I Will Possess Your Heart : Death Cab for Cutie (1)
  • Don't Want To Miss A Thing : Aerosmith
  • I Honestly Love You : Olivia Newton John
  • She Will Be Loved : Maroon 5
  • One Way Or Another : Blondie
  • 156 : Mew
  • Every Breath You Take : The Police
  • Where You Go : Au Revoir Simone
  • Your Surrender : Neon Trees
  • Say It's All Mine : Moby
  • Pictures : Timo Mas (1)
  • Hide Me : the Golden Filter (1)
  • Wind Beneath Your Wings : Bette Midler
  • Hero : Enrique Inglesias
  • Girl, You're Be a Woman Soon : Neil Diamond
feb 21 2011 ∞
may 2 2015 +

Inspired by Skye's list []

  • Angry mobs & their ringmasters
  • Anyone [esp. politicians] who says, "I accept full responsibility..." (you ain't Jesus, sucka, you don't die get to vicariously for my sins)
  • Anyone who says "I apologize" instead of "I'm sorry"
  • Bestsellers
  • Celebrities & celebrity gossip
  • Chinese food
  • Chinese government
  • Cloud computing
  • Convenience
  • Corporations
  • Costly gadgets
  • Desk jobs
  • Doctors
  • Federal government
  • Flattery & its practitioners
  • Fluorescent lighting
jan 1 2011 ∞
jan 2 2015 +
list icon

Science & Technology

  • The Scientific American Mind
  • Wired
  • Psychology Today

Graphic Design & Illustration

  • ImagineFX
  • Juxtapoz
  • Artist's Cafe
  • Communication Arts
  • Applied Art
  • Advanced Photoshop
  • 3D World
  • Digital Painting
  • Digital Artist Magazine
  • HOW: Self-promotion Design Annual

Arts & Crafts

  • Somerset Life
  • Somerset Studio: The Art of Paper & Mixed Media
mar 5 2010 ∞
jan 30 2012 +
list icon


  • Visit: AK, HI. Then I'll have all 50 states.
  • Washington
    • Return to the Washington coast
  • Oregon
  • North Carolina
    • Carova Beach, NC (there are wild mustangs still roaming free)
  • Hawaii
    • Kaihalulu, HW
nov 8 2008 ∞
may 11 2019 +
list icon

Auld Aenglesh

  • accurst
  • bawdry
  • beshrew
  • bodkin
  • brainish
  • calumnious
  • cannoneer
  • cutpurse
  • encompassment
  • graveness
  • halting
  • ill-breeding
  • lapwing
  • mazzard
  • operant
  • primrose path
  • swinish
  • trippingly
  • unfledged
  • unhand
apr 25 2010 ∞
may 4 2012 +