• Emily Moss -
    9 years old, dreamy, enchanted, chatterbox, extremely friendly, sometimes shy, loves nature and befriending animals, easily hurt, determined, sometimes stubborn.

Appearence: dark brown black hair, takes on purple hues in Treasure Time. Brown eyes, small cupid bow lips, always a blush on her cheeks. A little plump.

  • Leonard Moss - Emily's father, Beatrix's husband. 35 years old, serious and can come across as cold but has a warm heart and is given to joining in with his daughters stories especially when telling bedtime stories. Teacher. Interest in Science.

Appearence: Wears round glasses, wavy tauny brown hair which is thinning a little, thin face, looks wise. Tall and quite slim, big hands which are always warm.

  • Beatrix Moss - Emily's mother, Leonard's wife. 29 years old, she has the more dreamy nature of Emily but it has been driven out of her slightly over the years. She wishes for another baby and desperately wants a son, she worries over finances and the future. Can be hot tempered and has a secret.

Appearence: Dark brown hair which flashes purple when in a temper, usually pulled back from her face. Stormy grey eyes, a round face. Simple dress.

  • Walter Blackwell - Emily meets him during the story, he also has the ability to sense at travel during Treasure Time but he doesn't want Emily to know this, they become friends but Emily is frustrated by how cold Walter can appear.

Appearence: Freckled appearence, dancing light blue eyes, long limbed, bites his lip when thinking, afraid of the dark.

  • Merry King - One of Emily's dolls, during Treasure Time she becomes the Queen of a bustling city in Emily's garden. She likes flowers and is appeased with sweet things and stories however she can be haughty and prideful.

Appearence: Ringletted blonde hair pulled back from her face and falling to her shoulders. Red lips and rouged cheeks, big eyelashes and doe eyes. Emily collects clothes for her throughout the story, she starts off in a Marie Antoinette style dress and wears satin slippers. As Emily gets older Merry starts to be forgotten and her appearence becomes more shabby, Merry does not want this and tries to get 'her Emily' back but will she succeed?

  • Luna Hume - Emily meets her during her journey at a difficult time, Luna is cryptic and mysterious and speaks in riddles. Emily finds her frustrating but begins to understand her as the story goes along, Luna usually shows up when trouble is afoot or to warn Emily. Name inspired by Harry Potter character and philosopher David Hume.

Appearence - Wears a red cloak to signify danger, often found sitting in trees, her appearence is not known yet.

  • Bonnie Moon - A faerie that leaves gifts for Emily in the mornings however she may have some control over Treasure Time, does she use it for good or for ill?


  • Key Calderon Wolfe - Emily stumbles into his world by accident and must race to get out before she gets trapped. Random objects will let people out of the world (keys) which change every time according to Key's mood which is unstable. Has a world inspired by Wonderland and Mania from Shivering Isle.
oct 5 2010 ∞
oct 5 2010 +