• smoke smoke smoke smoke
  • availability of drugs. pathetic.
  • rave culture is only just beginning to resurge in the east, it seems :/
  • is it just me or are people just more addicted to work in NY?
  • homeless people? definitely more in LA area. and the ones in NY don't seem as crazed, if you know what i mean
  • chinatown: less dirty in NY
  • walk walk walk walk walk walk, j-walk j-walk j-walk
  • at least from what i've seen, random passerbys seem more helpful in NY. i thought it would be the opposite, but everyone is quite nice here. maybe it's because i've spent most of my time around the village...
  • you know, clubbing really doesn't need to be that big of a deal
  • drinking policies: much lighter carding in NY... simply because drunk driving is far less of a deal
sep 2 2009 ∞
may 28 2010 +