My father was walking by while I was watching an HBP trailer, and he commented that the fire scene with Dumbledore and the Inferi reminded him way too much of the scenes in LOTR with Gandalf and the Balrog. At least in a visual sense. It got me thinking; I wouldn't usually connect HP and LOTR, but because both have been adapted into incredibly successful films, it's kind of easier to compare the two...
- Sauron/Voldemort
- Nazgul/Dementors
- Saruman/Lucius
- Gandalf/Dumbledore
- Frodo/Harry
- Sam/Ron
- Shelob/Aragog
- Boromir/Fudge
- Gondor or Edoras/Hogwarts
- Gollum/Kreacher (before he receives the locket) or Griphook
- Mirror of Galadriel/Pensieve, or even the Mirror of Erised
- Wormtongue/Wormtail
- Sackville-Bagginses/Dursleys
- 9 rings/7 horcruxes
- Moria/Chamber of Secrets
- Eowyn/Hermione
- Legolas/Lupin
- Arogorn/Sirius
- Hagrid/Hurin
- Miruvor/Butterbeer
- Old Man Willow/The Whomping Willow
- The Prancing Pony/The Leaky Cauldron
- Elven cloaks/Invisibility cloak
- Anduril/Gryffindor's sword
- Fell beasts/Thestrals
- Watcher in the Water/Giant Squid
- Fangorn Forest/Forbidden Forest
- Merry, Pippin/Fred, George
- Fellowship of the Ring/Order of the Phoenix