common application
- common app essay
- finish other fields
- confirm transcript + recommendation letters
- payment
- Brown + Stanford supplement essays!!
art schools (RISD, SAIC, SFAI, SVA)
- compile art work for portfolio
- UK schools - CSM, LCC
- research on foundation courses
- assemble portfolio
- contact AEP dept for assistance
- confirm
- bring for meeting with admin officer on monday
- tentative interview date with Colin: Jan 15 (confirm with Serene)
- contact Karen
portfolio stuff
- sketchbook / process
- design work
- fac comm
- come home
- anli
- publicis visual
- get statement from publicis/anli/v-architekture/duet!!
- personal sites
- photography
- drawings - inside-out (for UAL interview w/ colin)
- painting/ceramic/3D