• Milcheh. Time frame? If we plan a party, discuss budget? Etc.
  • Wedding. Time frame? Budget? Etc.
  • Plan and discuss the paper work involved.
  • Owning a place. Time frame? Budget? Etc.
  • How long will we live with our parents? Should we rent/buy a small apartment?
  • Children? How many? When? Time spam btwn each child.
  • Specify our time as a couple.
  • Specify our time with ourselves.
  • Set a curfew
  • Have meals together
  • Family visits, how often? Who?
  • Celebrate occasion together (birthdays, anniversaries, eid, etc.).
  • Establish a social network.
  • Find a common activity (sports, arts, reading, etc.)
  • Regular health checkups together.
  • Discuss whether we should both work?
  • How much and when should we start saving for wedding expenses? Honeymoon etc.?
  • Should we keep our money separate? Spend together?
  • Discuss having a savings fund.
  • Discuss having a retirement fund.
  • Discuss having a fund for our children.
  • Discuss investing in something?
  • Work doesn't come home.
  • The possibility of further studies?
  • Should take a serious step in creating a portfolio and starting a freelance career. (I will also email you some advice I took from a freelance designer I know regarding that issue).
  • Discuss the housemaid issue.
  • Set a daily, monthly weekly chores chart and divide responsibilities. We will learn more about those once we live together. We could roughly discuss it now.
  • Re warding system.
  • Punishment system.
  • Activities.
  • Divide our responsibilities and chores.
  • We should always consult each other and reach a common way regarding discipline, rules, outings etc.
  • We should never hide anything regarding children's behavior and progress.
  • We should always be patient and understanding and passionate with our children.
  • They should be treated as adults, companions, and partners in the success of our family.
  • Disrespect will not be tolerated and will be dealt with according to the punishment system set.
  • There should be a stay at home parent when we have a child under 6 years.
  • We should give our children responsibilities in house chores and errands depending on age and abilities.
aug 31 2009 ∞
jul 6 2010 +