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Strawberry Mascarpone Appetizers
Mug o' Mac & cheese
Combine the pasta and water in a large mug or bowl. Microwave on high for two minutes, then stir. Repeat this for at least 2 to 4 more minutes, stirring at each 2-minute interval. The water should absorb completely and the pasta will be cooked through. If the pasta needs another minute it is okay to add one more teaspoon of water and microwave for another minute. Remove it from the microwave and stir in the milk and cheese. Microwave for another minute. Stir the cheese thoroughly into the pasta and eat up!
Baked Pizza Bites
Simply cut string cheese into 2-3 pieces. Wrap in puff pastry dough. The trick is to make sure to press the ends together so the cheese gets sealed in, otherwise it may all ooze out as it bakes. Brush with an egg wash or a little melted butter and sprinkle on some dried oregano. If you're feeling fancy you could add a slice of pepperoni to the insides too. Do your thing. Live your life. Then bake at 375°F for 18-22 minutes until golden brown.
Tarta de queso y salmón ahumado
Mezclar el queso, el pan y la mantequilla. Sazonar y colocar en el fondo de una fuente cubierta con papel vegetal. Saltear la cebolla a fuego medio durante 2 minutos, agregar el ajo y sofreír. Retirar del fuego. Mezclar el queso crema, el huevo y la crème fraîche hasta que esté suave. Echar el salmón, la cebolla, el ajo y mezclar. Vertir la mezcla sobre la base preparada y hornear durante una hora. Retirar del horno y dejar enfriar completamente antes de cortar. Adornar con rodajas de salmón.
Fundir la mantequilla y el chocolate. Añadir el azúcar y los huevos muy batidos. Añadir la harina y mezclar. Echar las nueces. Hornear a 180º durante 20 minutos.
Bloody Mary