♡ Fantasy, enchantment, dreams, myths, spiritual beings, angels, fairies are all concepts which fill the Lavenders' mind. Lavenders tend to live in a fantasy world. They prefer to spend their time out of their bodies, where life is pretty and enchanting. It is challenging for these airy beings to live in three-dimensional reality.

♡ Lavenders prefer imaginary pictures of the world, seeing butterflies, flowers and wood nymphs rather than dirt, concrete and large cities. Physical reality seems cold and harsh to them. These sensitive creatures are fragile and frail, and their physical appearance is often weak and pale.

♡ Lavenders' skin is often alabaster white because they don't like being outdoors, unless it is to be gently surrounded by beautiful flowers and gardens. These child-like personalities are sensitive and simple. Lavenders would rather spend time watching clouds float by or daydreaming. They prefer to escape this reality with all of its demands and responsibilities.

♡ The Lavenders behavior tends to frustrate others who may expect them to be dependable and responsible. Lavenders have no understanding of what it means to hold a responsible job or to earn money. They are more familiar with other dimensions and imagined realities.

♡ Lavenders even have a difficult time relating to or connecting with the concepts of time, space and physical matter. They tend to experience events in their imaginations, but they are not usually grounded enough in physical reality to actually accomplish anything tangible.

♡ Imaginative, creative genius, intuitive, sensitive, live in a fantasy world, love to daydream

♡ Tend to be childlike, naïve, absent-minded, and innocent

♡ Born aware of other dimensions and realities; they don’t live with or as us in this world

♡ Conduct their day-to-day lives with seeming detachment, disinterest, and otherworldliness

♡ Need lots of time alone to fantasize and daydream; often feel isolated and misunderstood

♡ Able to take people to other worlds of make believe with their innovative, creative genius

♡ When unhealthy and uncentered, Lavenders can have difficulty functioning in the real world. They can be irresponsible, lazy, forgetful, spacey; may not even hold a job or pay bills on time

♡ When supported and encouraged to express their inner realities they can inspire minds and lives

♡ Gentle and free-spirits who are not concerned with societal rules or protocol

♡ Relationships can be difficult; they live in their own little world so much of the time and they are poor at follow-through on commitments; can be perceived as inconsiderate and uncaring

♡ Partners must be very patient and loving to maintain a relationship with Lavenders; Lavenders have a fear of disappointing loved ones and for this reason most are content to be loners

♡ Often have trouble in school because they tend to daydream so easily and not pay attention

♡ Some have aptitudes for math and science while others have aptitudes for reading and writing

♡ They are the most creative, and often the oddest, of all the core colors

♡ Most don’t manage money well since they don’t focus any of their time or energy on it

♡ The Life Purpose of someone with the core color of Lavender is to explore other dimensions and realities and then share their amazing otherworldly perceptions with the rest of us. They are here to stimulate our imaginations, inspire our sense of wonder, and awe us with their magical minds.

♡ The Basic Fear of someone with the core color of Lavender is the fear of being prevented from following their imaginative ponderings.

♡ Lavenders do their best work in relaxed, low-key, unstructured, and quiet environments that allow them to daydream and fantasize.

nov 27 2013 ∞
jan 31 2014 +