Ailurophile - A cat-lover.

Assemblage - A gathering.

Becoming - Attractive.

Beleaguer - To exhaust with attacks.

Brood - To think alone.

Bucolic - In a lovely rural setting.

Bungalow - A small, cozy cottage.

Chatoyant - Like a cat's eye.

Comely - Attractive.

Conflate - To blend together.

Cynosure - A focal point of admiration.

Dalliance - A brief love affair.

Demesne - Dominion, territory.

Demure - Shy and reserved.

Denouement - The resolution of a mystery.

Desuetude - Disuse.

Desultory - Slow, sluggish.

Diaphanous - Filmy.

Dissemble - Deceive.

Dulcet - Sweet, sugary.

Ebullience - Bubbling enthusiasm.

Effervescent - Bubbly.

Efflorescence - Flowering, blooming.

Elision - Dropping a sound or syllable in a word.

Elixir - A good potion.

Eloquence - Beauty and persuasion in speech.

Embrocation - Rubbing on a lotion.

Emollient - A softener.

Ephemeral - Short-lived.

Epiphany - A sudden revelation.

Erstwhile - At one time, for a time.

Ethereal - Gaseous, invisible but detectable.

Evanescent - Vanishing quickly, lasting a very short time.

Evocative - Suggestive.

Fetching - Pretty.

Felicity - Pleasantness.

Forbearance - Withholding response to provocation.

Fugacious - Fleeting.

Furtive - Shifty, sneaky.

Gambol - To skip or leap about joyfully.

Glamour - Beauty.

Gossamer - The finest piece of thread, a spider's silk

Halcyon - Happy, sunny, care-free.

Harbinger - Messenger with news of the future.

Imbrication - Overlapping and forming a regular pattern.

Imbroglio - An altercation or complicated situation.

Imbue - To infuse, instill.

Incipient - Beginning, in an early stage.

Ineffable - Unutterable, inexpressible.

Ingénue - A naïve young woman.

Inglenook - A cozy nook by the hearth.

Insouciance - Blithe nonchalance.

Inure - To become jaded.

Labyrinthine - Twisting and turning.

Lagniappe - A special kind of gift.

Lagoon - A small gulf or inlet.

Languor - Listlessness, inactivity.

Lassitude - Weariness, listlessness.

Leisure - Free time.

Lilt - To move musically or lively.

Lissome - Slender and graceful.

Lithe - Slender and flexible.

Love - Deep affection.

Mellifluous - Sweet sounding.

Moiety - One of two equal parts.

Mondegreen - A slip of the ear.

Murmurous - Murmuring.

Nemesis - An unconquerable archenemy.

Offing - The sea between the horizon and the offshore.

Onomatopoeia - A word that sounds like its meaning.

Opulent - Lush, luxuriant.

Palimpsest - A manuscript written over earlier ones.

Panacea - A solution for all problems

Panoply - A complete set.

Pastiche - An art work combining materials from various sources.

Penumbra - A half-shadow.

Petrichor - The smell of earth after rain.

Plethora - A large quantity.

Propinquity - An inclination.

Pyrrhic - Successful with heavy losses.

Quintessential - Most essential.

Ratatouille - A spicy French stew.

Ravel - To knit or unknit.

Redolent - Fragrant.

Riparian - By the bank of a stream.

Ripple - A very small wave.

Scintilla - A spark or very small thing.

Sempiternal - Eternal.

Seraglio - Rich, luxurious oriental palace or harem.

Serendipity - Finding something nice while looking for something else.

Summery - Light, delicate or warm and sunny.

Sumptuous - Lush, luxurious.

Surreptitious - Secretive, sneaky.

Susquehanna - A river in Pennsylvania.

Susurrous - Whispering, hissing.

Talisman - A good luck charm.

Tintinnabulation - Tinkling.

Umbrella - Protection from sun or rain.

Untoward - Unseemly, inappropriate.

Vestigial - In trace amounts.

Wafture - Waving.

Wherewithal - The means.

Woebegone - Sorrowful, downcast.







•home •petrichor





























































































•deodorant (or just odorant)

•sewer (it means two completely different things...)

•console (I love both meanings)



•pomplemousse (sp?)











nov 23 2013 ∞
nov 24 2013 +