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starting late but starting

  • 20160901 gatita always comes back home in the end of the day // got almost 60% on the simulado
  • 20160904 was strong enough to not cry not even once the entire day (but i really wanted)
  • 20160905 jonathan cares a lot about me and i care a lot about him
  • 20160908 watched the english class for the first time this year
  • 20160909 there's good people in the world
  • 20160922 my mom always let me stay at home when i want to
  • 20160926 it's so cool to talk with someone interesting (diego)
  • 20161003 i love talking with sarah // i had i great afternoon/evening with jonathan // jonathan was so happy with his new phone
  • 20161022 i have so many opportunities that a lot of other people don't have
  • 20161117 i have a cat that kinda loves me
  • 20161126 menes // it's good to be alive after all
sep 1 2016 ∞
dec 30 2016 +