- i didn't exist more than half of the year, i guess.
- met stupid people, a lot of assholes, a loooooooot of them.
- discovered more than ever that i can't people and i'll probably die of isolation
- procrastination is very strong with this one
- got so fucking fat
- didn't try to kill myself, not like i'll get a trophy for that
- didn't starve or so, but still purged and kinda developed bulimia, but now i'm fine (some relapses, but i'm fine)
- tried to get things together with her, but she pushed me away
- i'm fucking friendless
- did i say that i'm SO FUCKING FAT?
- my cat and i are very fine with each other
- jonathan and i fought a lot
- also had a lot of sex
- christmas didn't feel like christmas
- my birthday was the worst so far (i mean, i felt really bad and cried 94% the time)
- got to know supernova and diego and all the supernova family
- joined gym
- i'm lazier than i expected
- i'm still hopping that next year will be better
dec 28 2016 ∞
dec 28 2016 +