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"Je ne sais pas!" "Yatzee!" "Tuscan?" "Wanna skip school :)" "Duex ex machina" LOST, Harry Potter, Piano, AV, "Kate" "Baka" "Watachi wa nihongo go scushi hanase masu!" FB, NHS, Japan, Chicago, Espresso, "Avada Kedavra!" "Yallah!"

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  • In my dream, I woke up and felt something around me. I opened my eyes and see snakes hanging down from my cielling. They had various markings, some with stripes, others with multicolored polka dots. The snakes never bit me in my dream, but they just hung there and hissed.
  • In this dream, I was swimming in my grandparents pool on a nice summer day with my cousins. All the sudden, it started pouring rain. It was rained so much that everything was underwater. Thinking fast, I swam down to the bottom of the pool to the large, cartoonish plug and pulled it out. The water started to drain, but my cousins weren't swimming away from the drain like I was. As I hang on to the edge, I see my cousins getting sucked into the drain. Scary.
feb 12 2010 ∞
jan 16 2011 +