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  • don't pointless things have a place, too, in this far-from-perfect world? Remove everything pointless from an imperfect life, and it'd lose even its imperfection (page 4)
    • the character admitted that indeed, it is a mediocre generalization
  • "What's nurtured slowly grows well" (page 15)
    • it was mentioned in the book, but the one who quoted it was not mentioned. is it a proverb or something?
  • I realize, something vital is missing. It doesn't crystallize - no crystals, just pebbles, and i'm not transported anywhere. (page 15)
  • A real story requires a kind of magical baptism to link the world on this side with the world on the other side. (page 16)
sep 6 2010 ∞
sep 10 2010 +