• manifestation journaling
  • tarot
  • evening walks and baths with my love
  • meditation - create a sacred space
  • yin class every sunday
  • floss
  • herbal infusions
  • morning routine - q-less & tea, intention setting

create more ease:

  • rethink the flow of the office so that there is somewhere to sit and read, somewhere special to meditate, less clutter, more intentional placement
  • go to bed early enough that getting up isn't a battle in the morning
  • practice methods of transitioning between tasks (use reddit as a resource for advice)
  • minimal alcohol and best food possible to give you the most energy and motivation
  • stock phone with affirmations, positive reminders, healthy apps, make it a mindful place and as un-enticing as possible
jul 6 2024 ∞
aug 12 2024 +